Civic Artifact Speech Outline

Speech Outline:

  1. Intro:
    1. September 11th, 2001
    2. The years that followed: Iraq, Katrina, the 08 crisis
    3. A nation in perceived image of a nation in decline
    4. The rise of Barack Obama
      1. Hope and change
      2. Our best days were not behind us but yet to come
    5. Forward campaign (2012)
  2. Emotional (pathos appeal)
    1. Obama believed in the moral good of America despite its flaws
    2. The forward commercials showed everyday people:
      1. High tech factories
      2. Construction workers
  • Teachers
  1. Businessmen
  2. Soldiers returning home to their families
  1. Obama exploited hope and optimistic to get America back and running
    1. This outlook was meant to inspire Americans
  • Logical appeal
    1. Facts to back up improvements in the country between 2008 and 2012
      1. Unemployment dropped below 8%
      2. 4.3 million new private sector jobs created in past 25 months
  • Recovery of manufacturing to highest level in past decade
  1. Death of Osama Bin Laden
  1. Kariotic appeal
    1. The election of Obama did not quell the uncertainty of the times
      1. The economic situation was nerve-wracking
      2. Even 10 years after 9/11, the fears of another attack still loomed large
    2. Forward campaign talking a calm, optimistic, and straightforward to Americans provided comfort
    3. People needed to here something good and hopeful
  2. Conclusion
    1. Obama’s forward message was an appeal of hope and optimism
    2. Despite any setbacks this nation might face we will always come back stronger
    3. The freedom tower at ground zero and the words Obama wrote on the bottom
      1. “We remember, we rebuild, we come back stronger”-Barack Obama.


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