“Cause baby there ain’t no mountain high enough Ain’t no valley low enough Ain’t no river wide enough To keep me from getting to you babe”-Marvin Gaye 6 days, four peaks, 50 miles; we were almost done. Waking up on a beautiful Friday morning we began our descent back down to the trailhead. The morning’s Read More…
America’s Switzerland: My experiences in the Great State of Colorado
“And the Colorado rocky mountain high, I’ve seen it raining fire in the sky, you can talk to God and listen to the casual reply….Rocky mountain high”-John Denver; “Rocky Mountain High” Colorado, the home of the fictional town of South Park, and several real towns almost as strange as South Park. The home of John Read More…
Civic and Passion Blogs
My Civic Blog will address the controversy surrounding using public subsidies for sports venues. As an Economics Major and an avid sports fan, I see the complications with this issue and offer solutions. My Passion Blog will be dedicated to the Centennial State of Colorado and my own experiences backpacking there. I will tell my Read More…
This I believe rough draft
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure”-Marianne Williamson The first race of senior year, a cold March afternoon, the temperature couldn’t have been above 35 degrees. I went through my usual warmup routine as I did for the past four years. Lining up Read More…
RCL II ideas
Civic Issues blog: Dis-unity and negativity In the news and across the country, there appears to be a lot of negativity. Both sides are engaging in more vitriolic political discourse and it is not serving our society well. As someone who considers myself a moderate politically, I see or politics getting increasing extreme. The negativity Read More…
Christmas in July
“His sight has turned inside himself to try and understand; the serenity of a clear blue mountain lake”-John Denver; Rocky Mountain High When hiking through the mountains of the centennial state, it’s almost as if the voice Colorado’s most famous native son softly echoes across the land. The lyrics of John Denver’s Rocky Mountain High Read More…
Concept of “Rhetoric and Civic Life”
When first hearing the title “Rhetoric and Civic,” I could not help but groan. This was because the title of the course includes the word “civics.” I cannot speak for anyone else’s experience in High School Civics but my high school civics teacher was my track coach who I did not exactly see eye to Read More…
Beginning in the 1950s, the NAACP began to challenge the book for the belief that it actually perpetuated racism instead of fighting it. In 1955, CBS tried to avoid the controversial material of the book when producing a TV version by removing the character of Jim and any mention of slavery entirely. As the civil Read More…
The Long Haul
“You will never know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory”-Stephen Hillenburg; creator of Spongebob Squarepants “Super Tuesday” as I suppose it could be called began at around 6:15 as the sun rose over the Maroon Bells. Finally acclimated to the 12,000 ft elevation, because we needed to make up Read More…
Into Thin Air
“The very basic core of a man’s spirit is his passion for adventure”-Chris McCandless Sleeping at 11,000 feet isn’t easy. Until your respiratory system becomes accustomed to the thinner air, you’ll have a headache due to lack of oxygen reaching the brain. As the bright rocky-mountain sun dried up the remainder of yesterday’s hail, we Read More…