Welcome back everyone. This is the first post of the new semester, so let me give you a little recap of my break. My family went to Cabo where we ziplined, jet skied, went to the beach, and ate delicious food. I can’t forget I also worked at Dairy Queen. In the winter, business gets really slow, and that makes it the worst time to work. I find myself sitting in the office waiting for customers to come in. So, while I waited for customers, I decided to make a Snickers blizzard one day.
I played soccer all throughout my childhood and middle school, but there’s this memory I have of one year of tryouts. It was freezing cold, and the tryouts were outside. I remember everyone was in shorts but the top halves of our bodies were bundled up. We were topped with beanies and our hands were in gloves. In the column to the right is a picture of my elementary soccer days. The topic of this blog is not my soccer tryouts, although they are connected, trust me. During a water break, I told my parents I was so hungry (I was probably exaggerating). One of my parents had a Snickers in their pocket, and that satisfied my hunger. That moment reminds me of the Snickers’ commercials that say “you’re not you when you’re hungry.” I was a different person after I ate that bar. My hunger, no longer an issue, I took to the fields energized.
Back to the Snickers blizzard. Before this winter break, it had been years since my last Snickers blizzard. It isn’t personal to the blizzard, but there are just better players in a very talented league, but I had to come back to a veteran. A customer just ordered a Snickers blizzard, so I decided to make my own. I have no regret of that decision because it brought me back to the cold, dark tryout night. I remember my legs freezing, but everyone was playing through the numbness. The Snickers blizzard is made with Snickers and chocolate sauce; chocolate always brings back memories of ice cream or any sweet treat because it is something you can indulge in at any point of life.
DQ brings back memories no matter what you eat there. Either ice cream or a burger, there is always a memory that is connected to the food. That’s the best part of DQ; there is always a memory associated with the trip. Don’t forget the next time you drive by a DQ, make sure to stop and order a small Snickers blizzard.
I think your experiences with the Small Snickers Blizzard are cool. It is interesting how the experience of eating the blizzard brought you back to the memories of soccer tryouts. I think the connection between food/smells and memories is something that is pretty interesting, and its pretty cool that you had this experience. Have you had other experiences with this food memory connection?
It is always the worst when work is slow! I love the rush of work because time passes by so quickly. This sounds like a delicious blizzard and a fun one to make. That’s such a fun story to have with snickers and soccer tryouts too. That’s an ironic instance as every time I see a Snickers wrapper I also think of that commercial. That is some of the best advertising as that phrase sticks in everyone’s head.