One Garden

geographically dispersed

We are Penn State's Gardens & Farms

One Garden is the home of all the Penn State Commonwealth Campus gardens and farms. Here you’ll find information about each of those gardens and farms. One Garden is the product of frequent meetings and collaborations between the leaders of and contributors to these growing spaces. We want other people in the Penn State community and beyond to know that each of our growing spaces is not just an individual instance, but part of a greater organism of food-growing enthusiasm.

We are also here, presenting ourselves as a collective unit, to express the importance of what we are doing. Growing food is not just a hobby, it is the beginning of a revolution in our food system. The breakdown we have seen in our global food system during the pandemic has given each of us a glimpse into the vulnerability of the way we consume. We are giving the people of Penn State and all of our surrounding communities an opportunity to learn how to grow their own food from start to finish and to see the ways a garden can inspire community engagement and initiatives of growth.


Interested in a new growing space on your campus?

Contact Leslie Pillen, Associate Director of Farm and Food Systems (, and Derek Kalp, Landscape Architect (, to discuss your ideas and options. They’ll direct you to next steps from there!