Library Instruction

The library is devoted to providing sound and quality instructional opportunities for students. We like to think of this as a hierarchy of instructional integration from orientation activities all the way to large research projects and higher-level undergraduate or graduate courses.

We have established learning outcomes for general education courses that provide a foundation on which to understand library instruction and what is possible.


The hierarchy of instruction is included below.

These programs represent a snippet of the way that the library can engage in online learning environments. To give you a sense of the structure and coordinated efforts of how all of these programs work together, we have created a hierarchy of instruction. It is important to note this does not extend to services the library provides such as E-Reserves, guides, or course selection materials. This is strictly about instruction.

Course Design Integrations

Course Consultations – help to do some program mapping and thinking through information literacy concepts across the entirety of the course. Can look through things like what resources would be helpful for different parts of the course or if there are any learning objects that can help students.

Assignment Consultations – similar to course consultations, but focused strictly on the specific assignment. Can rethink phrasing of the assignment and pulling out the information research and literacies students need to successfully complete assignments.

Learning Objects

Digital Badges – have been used in all levels of courses from lower-level undergraduate to graduate, but tend to work best in undergraduate courses. The information literacy and Library Connection badges work well in lower-level courses while the citations badges work well across the curriculum.

Credo Modules – are LTI with Canvas and cover foundational information literacy skills such as identifying sources of information or learning about the research process. They are particularly good in FYS or general education courses.

Information literacy repository – includes other learning objects/lessons that can be exported to any Canvas course. These have already been used in another course successfully. You can use the entire module or just pick and choose certain pages.

High-Touch, Collaborative Involvement

Embedded librarians are best used in high touch courses where students are expected to engage in high-levels or external research or information management. This translates to 400-level courses or capstone courses, but other courses have found the need for a librarian as well. The librarian has a very collaborative relationship with both the course instructor and the instructional designer. We have a sound process to embed a librarian in your course that creates quality experiences and brings value for everyone involved.