Craig Gibson is co-moderator of HxLibraries and a member of the Heterodox Academy since 2020. He is Professor and Professional Development Coordinator in the Libraries at Ohio State University, and also serves as Faculty Fellow for Mentoring in the Drake Institute for Teaching and Learning at Ohio State. He has held positions as Associate Director of Research and Education in the Libraries at Ohio State and as Associate University Librarian for Research, Instruction and Outreach at George Mason University. He was a member of the ACRL Immersion Faculty from 2000-2022, and edited the ACRL Publications In Librarianship monographic series from 2008-2013. In 2008, he received the Miriam Dudley Instruction Librarian of the Year Award. From 2013-2015, he co-chaired the ACRL Information Literacy Standards Revision Task Force that developed the Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education, the signature curricular planning document for information literacy. Most recently, he was nominated for and joined the membership of the Academic Freedom Alliance. His research interests include threshold concepts for information literacy; partnerships between libraries and teaching and learning centers; and intellectual virtues and information literacy.
Sarah Hartman-Caverly is a reference and instruction librarian at Penn State Berks, a University College campus of Penn State University in Reading, Pennsylvania. She is a co-moderator of the Heterodox Libraries community of Heterodox Academy and has been active in the American Library Association’s Intellectual Freedom Round Table. Sarah is a two-time Association of College and Research Libraries award winner, earning the 2020 College Libraries Section Innovation in College Librarianship Award and the 2021 Instruction Section Innovation Award with collaborating colleagues at Penn State Berks. Her scholarship examines the compatibility of human and machine autonomy from the perspective of intellectual freedom, including privacy literacy, information warfare, and epistemic agency. Sarah holds an MS(LIS) and MSIS from Drexel University and a BA in Anthropology from Haverford College.
Christina LaRose is a writer and editor. Her science and technical writing has appeared in multiple publications, including Live Science, and her academic and creative writing has been published in Third Coast literary journal and others. Her expertise is in writing and the teaching of writing, specifically science and technical writing, rhetoric and composition, logic and argumentation, and advanced exposition. She received the University of Michigan English Department’s Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching Award and has taught writing at the University of Michigan, Purdue University, Ohio State University, and in the OSU Young Scholars Program. She holds a PhD from the University of Michigan in English Literature and an MFA in Creative Writing from Ohio State University.
This project was funded by a generous grant from the Mercatus Center’s Program on Pluralism & Civil Exchange.