
Pluralism Summit 2024

Breakout Session: Pluralism in Libraries

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Craig Gibson, Sarah Hartman-Caverly, and Christina LaRose facilitate a breakout session on Pluralism in Libraries for Pluralism Summit 2024 hosted by the Pluralism & Civil Exchange initiative at the Mercatus Center.

Craig, Sarah, and Christina discuss the role of libraries as epistemic institutions in the constitution of knowledge, the contemporary challenges that libraries face in performing this role, and the work of the Open Inquiry Toolkit in responding to those challenges.


The Open Inquiry Toolkit on the ThoughtStretchers Education Podcast with Drew Perkins

In this episode of the ThoughtStretchers Education Podcast, Drew Perkins spoke with Sarah Hartman-Caverly and Craig Gibson about the Open Inquiry Toolkit, a two-pronged approach that develops intellectual virtues and promotes awareness of cognitive biases.

ThoughtStretchers podcast logo

Virtual Symposium

HxLibraries Symposium: Intellectual Virtues with Jason Baehr, PhD

Thursday, October 5, 2023 at 4pm ET.

A triptych featuring a headshot of Jason Baehr, PhD, along with the cover of his book, Deep in Thought, and information about the HxLibraries virtual symposium.

Dr. Jason Baehr, Professor of Philosophy, Loyola Marymount University and author of The Inquiring Mind: On Intellectual Virtues and Virtue Epistemology (2011, Oxford) and Deep in Thought: A Practical Guide to Teaching for Intellectual Virtues (2021, Harvard), spoke on:

  1. Contemporary challenges to negotiating the information landscape responsibly and reliably;
  2. Some common but problematic reactions to these challenges (withdrawal/ skepticism or tribalism/dogmatism);
  3. Intellectual virtues as a way of conceptualizing a “regulative ideal” that can help us integrate various competing but important epistemic values as we engage the information landscape.

Following Dr. Baehr’s keynote, participants engaged in small group discussion and Q&A. This event was hosted by the HxLibraries Community and open to all HxA members and the public. Access the recording.

This event was funded by a generous grant from Heterodox Academy.