Season 2 Episode 1


Well we are back for a second part to the passion blog. To be perfectly honest I had not thought forward in the design for a second partition.   This feels like a TV series that got green lit for a second season; however, season one pretty much carried the audience through a complete story. I deliberated a great deal in my own mind as to how I would venture forward.   Do I flow with the same story arc, as most sequels do? Or do I throw a curve ball at the audience and take them down a different path of passion? Perhaps a bit of both…

A common theme to starting a season two is with a recap.

I have been obsessed with the human mind for as long as I can remember. Particularly the actions we make while in a group environment.   Social psychology is of my most favored subjects as we are a social species who change our identity so many times throughout a single day to adhere to or lead our various groups. Some of these groups we choose entirely, some we choose out of need, and some are chosen for us. In the first couple weeks I broke down basic structure of self versus society. From there I delved further into specific constructs of social psychology, some of which are widely misused in society today due to connotation, bias, and context.   I attempted to make my audience think.   At first, I had not understood that only one or two people were going to be reading these, and it would be a different people from week to week, so my sequential process was a bit moot.   Though I had a great deal of fun comprising it in a particular order. Perhaps that would be the definition of passion? I closed up last semester with expressing my main focus of influence, balance.  Shown throughout my entire body of work in the first semester of this class.

I would like to play a game.

Intelligence testing: a history of a fierce debate - Mapping IgnoranceIntelligence is not measured from the variable of knowledge. If you were to ask a nuclear scientist how a submarine works, the answer would most likely be profound to you, though that same scientist may not know how to prepare chili. This is just obtained knowledge.   Intelligence is the brain’s function of analytical and critical thinking. Both of these measures are different. How one can process and respond while at rest and how one performs while stressed are two very different measures. Some people thrive in pressure situations while others, who possess some of the quickest minds, fold under the lightest amount of stress.   The cognition to distinguish patterns and decipher correctly is the truest measure of intelligence. “When you can keep your head while all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you” (Kipling)

I am not pretending to be an authority on measuring intelligence. I am of no authority and in no position to assume such. It’s just nice to keep thinking.

Today we have a simple math problem…. Divide 40 by a half and add ten. What is your answer?

Passion Blog and Civic Issues Blogs

I will carry on my psychological structure from last semester.  Freud wrote a book, Civilization and its Discontents.  The title of this book makes me think of such deep topics for issues presented due to sociological events derivative of the individual psyche.  I intend to challenge societal ideas.

For my Civic issues blog, I am looking to further touch upon some of the social constructs and various view points related to each.  beliefs of societal structure, forcing of norms, fear of anomie, and how those beliefs are forced upon individuals.  Showcasing in each blog how beliefs in societal are just as similar to that of a particular religion, and how ethnocentrism does not allow for free individual thought and action.

This I believe very rough and very incomplete draft

I have had quite the struggle coming up with a topic here.  The majority of my belief structures do not originate from a single happenstance.  That or I do not remember well enough in my older age.  Throughout the last week, I have been starting and quitting ideas for this assignment.  Yesterday I landed on the belief of doing poorly on an assignment, particularly this one.

I believe I will not or should not do well on this assignment. I am sure everyone can relate to anxiety, that feeling of inadequacy or ineptitude. I sit down to do this assignment. Writing and speaking are a couple of strengths I thought I possessed, until now. Now with each word jotted down, second-guessing floods my mind. As I follow the guidelines each idea that I would like to use for this assignment gets eliminated. How do I profess and teach something without being persuasive and preachy? How do I write formally, though write as if I were speaking this?

Your friends, family, colleagues, and even strangers will give you advice throughout your life, simplifying situations and events to a simple equation. Though, life isn’t as simple as 2+2=4. It’s way more complicated than that, isn’t it? The rabbit hole of cause and effect, individual to each while also being interconnected to each other’s, creates this complexity of situation to outcome. Take this assignment for example, I am asked to share a personal anecdotal experience in my life that either changed my life in one-way or another or fortified my original stance.”

In the middle of the night however I changed my track as I was able to remember a particular time when one of my beliefs of society came to be.  The idea that money is the root power to us.

“Cash rules everything around me. People are separated by class level not cultural difference. Poor is poor and rich is rich. I was thirteen years old, and a friend of mine had just gotten a new album, Enter the Wu-Tang, by the Wu-Tang Clan. We placed it in the CD player and hit play. The song starts depicting a child struggling in our class system, breaking through class barriers by the end of the verse to see the real divide in our world, class system. The song breaks into chorus with the tag “cash rules everything around me, C.R.E.A.M, cream.” This is the most profound and relatable piece of information I have ever heard. I grew up learning about scholars like Einstein, Newton, Freud, etc. Though all have contributed a great deal to society through their field, none broke down human civilization so simply and accurate.  Once something is trained to the mind, I see it everywhere. Just like owning a car, and then I see my car everywhere. Other songs touched upon the same societal idea with lyrics like “whoever said that money is the route of all evil, never had the joy of a welfare Christmas.” Perhaps it resonated deep for me due to my mother, alone raised four boys on sometimes less than minimum wage at the time.”

The idea still needs quite a bit more work, but this is the beginning 20%

This I believe, Passion Blog topics, and Civic Issue Blog topics

For This I Believe.   Probably a personal mantra, “humility and humbleness are the signs of great people.”

In my first semester of passion blogging I set about a structure of my interpretation and perception of the psychological structure and how I came to love the study.   Perhaps this semester I will delve a bit further into “civilizations and their discontents” problems presented socially to the civilized community, obviously from my perspective. I could jump ship entirely and discuss recipes that I enjoy cooking.

Gender identity and the expectations on the other would be an interesting civic issue topic. Population in reference to resources.  These are early ideas.


I apologize for the confusion here, I had posted this on my original RCL blog earlier.