Add Approved Requests to Your Disclosure Profile

If your prior approval request is approved, you must disclose the entity and the associated activity within 30 days of starting the activity by following the steps below.

  1. Navigate to
  2. Log in using your Penn State Account email address (e.g., and password. NOTE: College of Medicine and Penn State Health users should review the following webpage to locate and use their Penn State Account credentials to log in to COINS: Log In to Penn State Systems.
  3. Click the COI tab. 
  4. In the table at the bottom of your Disclosure Profile workspace, click the Pre-Approval Requests tab. 

The Pre-Approval Requests tab displays all your prior approval requests: un-submitted (pre-submission) requests, requests that are under review, and approved or denied (declined) requests.

Status column on the Prior Approval Requests table


For each approved request, you must click the Edit Disclosure Profile button within 30 days of starting the activity and manually re-enter the information about the entity and the activity. For step-by-step instructions on adding entities and disclosing activities, see the applicable resource below:

Approved request that needs to be added to the Disclosure Profile