The following is the text of the a proposed amendment to the Orthodox Christian Fellowship Constitution, posted here for viewing prior to a vote on it.
Amendment I
This Amendment shall be considered a full amendment to this constitution if ratified by majority vote under the amendment process of this constitution at the official OCF meeting scheduled for September, 14 2017.
Section 1: Concerning the Chain of Command for running official OCF meetings
Section 1.1: The President shall lead all meetings.
Section 1.2: If the President is unable to lead a meeting, the Vice President shall lead the meeting.
Section 1.3: If the President and Vice President are unable to lead the meeting, the Secretary shall lead the meeting.
Section 1.4: If the President, Vice President, and Secretary are unable to lead the meeting, the Treasurer shall lead the meeting.
Section 1.5: If the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer are unable to lead the meeting, the Service Chair shall lead the meeting.
Section 1.6: If the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Service Chair are unable to lead the meeting, the Spiritual Advisor (or his designated representative/Chaplain) shall lead the meeting.
Section 1.7: If no one in the chain of command is able to attend the meeting, it shall not be considered an official OCF meeting.
Section 2: Regarding the Specifications for Active Membership
Section 2.1: A member of the Penn State OCF shall be considered an active member with voting rights if they attend at least three official OCF meetings per semester.
Section 2.2: A member of the Penn State OCF shall be eligible for election to the Executive Board and remain a member of the Executive Board if they attend more than 50% of all meetings per academic school year and remain in Good Standing with the Orthodox Church.
Section 2.2.1: Standing in the Orthodox Church shall be determined by the Spiritual Advisor.
Section 3: The Service Chair
Section 3.1: There shall be only one Service Chair.
Section 3.2: The Duties of the Service Chair shall include: researching and suggesting charitable beneficiaries, proposing projects and outreach opportunities for the Executive Board to review, and coordinating service events and fundraising efforts.
Section 3.3: The Service Chair will be considered a full member of the Executive Board with all the duties, rights, and responsibilities due to such a member.
Section 4: Attendance Taking
Section 4.1: It shall be the responsibility of the Secretary (or in the Secretary’s absence, another member of the Executive Board, who the secretary has the responsibility to appoint) to take attendance at meetings.
Section 4.2: The Purpose of this attendance shall be to determine member status (associate, active with voting rights, active with votings rights and eligible for holding of an Executive Board office, etc.)
Section 5: Election Tickets
Section 5.1: There shall be no tickets for elections.
Section 6: Regarding the Holding of Executive Board Offices
Section 6.1: The Executive Board shall consist of the offices of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Service Chair and Spiritual Advisor only. (The Spiritual Advisor may designate a representative/Chaplain to hold his position on the Executive Board.)
Section 6.2: Each office of the Executive Board may only be held by one eligible person.
Section 6.3: Each OCF member eligible for membership of the Executive Board shall only hold one office at a time.