Hannah Oleynik
“Hi! I’m Hannah Oleynik and I’m the President of Penn State’s OCF. I’m a senior studying Political Science and Labor Relations, and I’m minoring in French. OCF has given me many wonderful friendships and memories, and I am so grateful that I joined my freshman year!”
Vice President:
Kira Godshall
“Hi! My name is Kira Godshall and I’m the Vice President of Penn State’s OCF! I’m a senior studying Human Development and Family Studies with a double minor in Gerontology and Psychology! OCF is such an amazing way to get connected to other Orthodox students and build amazing friendships!”

Katerina Hernandez
“Hi! My name is Katerina Hernandez and I’m the Secretary of Penn State’s OCF! I’m a sophomore studying Health Policy and Administration. OCF is a great way to make new friendships while in college. I am so thankful to have met so many amazing people and for all the fun experiences I have gained.”

Megan bokach
“Hi! I’m Megan Bokach, the treasurer for Penn State’s OCF! I’m a junior in the division of undergraduate studies and am still deciding on a major. OCF was an awesome way for me to create new friendships during my freshman year. I’m so thankful to have found a home away from home!”

Service Chair:
Will Baumgardner
“Hi! I’m Will Baumgardner, and I am the Service Chair for Penn State’s OCF. I am a senior studying Russian and International Affairs. OCF played an important role in bringing me to Orthodoxy and helped me to build many amazing friendships. I am excited for a great upcoming year!” |
Deacon Alexander Cadman
“Greetings! I’m a 1999 graduate of Penn State and a 2004 graduate of St. Vladimir’s Seminary. I’ve been involved in campus ministry since graduating from St. Vladimir’s when I moved to Chicago to establish a campus preaching ministry under the direction of the late Archbishop Job (Osacky). He ordained me to the diaconate a year later. In 2008, I became the Chaplain of our Penn State OCF and serve as the Director of Ministries for our chapter’s sponsoring church, Holy Trinity in downtown State College. I live in nearby Bellefonte with my wife, Matushka Jennifer, and three children, Josiah, Rebekah, and Zachariah. Since 2011, I’ve been serving as the Orthodox Church in America’s representative on the Board of Directors for the North American Orthodox Christian Fellowship.”