Meet Jillian
Jillian Lesikar
Communications Coordinator | Principal Investigator
Many of my research interests are within family, child, and human development. However, I am starting to look at those interests through a more healthcare-related lens as I have decided to pursue my dream of going to medical school. Once I graduate in 2024, I will start a post-baccalaureate program and apply to medical schools after. I am an Air Force wife, so I have lived in a few different places, and there will still be many more! I am also a mother to my two young children who inspire and amaze me every day.
BS in Psychology, Fall 2024 | Penn State World Campus
Conferences and Presentations
PSU Brandwine Student Expo (2023)
Roles in the Lab
Research Assistant (Spring 2023 – present)
Academic Membership
Pi Delta Chi Honor Society
Academic Distinctions
Erickson Discovery Grant Recipient (2023)
Dean’s List
Research Topics: