I started playing basketball when I was around four years old, and continue to play even now here at Penn State, so I believe I possess the knowledge and experience necessary to explain the basics of basketball. The basic equipment necessary to play basketball is a ball, a court, and a hoop. Wood or concrete make up most basketball courts, and they almost always measure around 90 feet long by 50 feet wide. The hoops typically hang ten feet in the air. I always enjoyed playing basketball because you do not need a certain number of people to play. You can even play by yourself if you want. However, in regulation games, the game starts with two teams consisting of five players. Each team picks a hoop to defend, and the opposing team must find a way to shoot the ball up and into the basket. Teams switch back and forth from offense to defense after each time a shot is made. However, if a shot misses the hoop, players from either team can grab the ball and continue playing. The team on offense continues to play offense until they make a shot, they miss a shot and the defending team secures a rebound, or the defending team steals the ball. The team on offense can score either two or three points depending on the distance from which they shot. On most basketball courts, the court will have an arched line, typically twenty-two feet away from the basket. This is called the three-point line. If the player shooting the ball releases it inside the three-point line and makes their shot, their team will receive two points. If the player shooting the ball releases it beyond the three-point line, their team will receive three points. Teams on offense can choose to move the ball one of two ways. The first option is to dribble the ball, which is where the player that possesses the ball bounces it up and down as they walk or run. The other option is for the player holding the ball to pass to one of their teammates. There is no limit to the number of dribbles or passes a team can take in a possession. Basketball may seem very complicated at first, but if you stick to these basics you will find that it is an enjoyable game. I have always enjoyed playing basketball because it is a fun way to stay active, work with others, and make new friends. I would suggest it to anyone who is looking for a new sport to try.

Sports Introduction – Basketball

4 thoughts on “Sports Introduction – Basketball

  • September 8, 2022 at 1:20 pm

    Hi Owen! Great first Passion Blog! It was interesting to read your version of a “How-to Play Baksetball” piece. In the future, consider adding some pictures or fun facts to give your blogs a little more magic 🙂 Great job and keep up the great work!

    • September 8, 2022 at 1:54 pm

      Also, really practice implementing that style element we talked about in class, again great job!

  • September 8, 2022 at 1:27 pm

    Hey Owen, nice choice of topic and great way to explain the basketball basics to those unfamiliar with the sport. I liked your clear and concise language, which makes it easy for non-basketball players like myself to follow. My only suggestion would be to cut out verbs like “are” from your scentence or replace them with something a little more exciting. Overall, great job and can’t wait to hear more!

  • September 8, 2022 at 1:57 pm

    Great work! I thought it was very informative. I like how you gave step-by-step descriptions, which is very helpful to someone learning how to play basketball! I do agree with Kyli in maybe incorporating some photos next time, to add more of a visual effect. Overall I thought you did a great job and really enjoyed reading your piece!!

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