Choosing the right tennis racket for your game - ActiveSG

Tennis court - Wikipedia

Tennis is one of the simplest sports in this series of sports introductions, which makes it perfect for beginners who are interested in finding a new game to play. All you need to play tennis is a court, a net, a ball, and rackets. Tennis can be either a two or four person game. Matches are a single person or teams of two on each side of the net. Although these are both options for recreational play, most professional tournaments are single players and not teams of two.

In order to successfully play tennis, you must rely on hand-eye coordination in order to be able to hit the ball back towards your opponent. The skill of hitting the ball is very similar to that of baseball, although, unlike baseball, you must be able to aim your shots. You also must be athletic enough to be able to move both side to side and also back and forth. You need to be able to hit the ball over the net, but you want the ball to bounce within the opponent’s side of the court within the lines at least one time. Once it bounces one time within the lines, you hope the ball takes a second bounce, whether it is inside or outside of the line, if the ball takes this second bounce, you earn a point.

The most complicated part of tennis is the scoring system. When you earn your first point, the score becomes 15-0. The second point is also worth 15, and the third point is worth 10, coming to a final score of 40. The first of the two players to reach 45 wins a “game.” Once you win six games, you win a “set.” Finally, once you win two sets, you win the match. The tennis scoring system is like a spiderweb, it is easy to get caught in it and will often be confusing to beginners.

Other than the complex scoring system, tennis is a simple and fun way to stay active. Though I do not have much experience with this sport, the limited experience I have had with it has been heavily positive. It is much more simple than the other sports I have written about so far and is also one of the more simple ones when compared to the upcoming sports in this series. I suggest tennis to anyone looking for an easy and fun way to be active and play a fun game with friends.

Sports Introduction – Tennis

3 thoughts on “Sports Introduction – Tennis

  • October 6, 2022 at 1:53 pm

    Great job giving a detailed description of the game and all its components. I personally want to play more tennis and this easy to understand description is encouraging!

  • October 6, 2022 at 1:56 pm

    I really liked how your formatted this blog, between the pictures and the description, I felt like I could practically play! The tone is also set very nicely and reflects a positive attitude on the audience!

  • October 11, 2022 at 12:11 am

    Great Job! I loved how you provided a detailed explanation as well as pictures to help visualize the structure of the sport. As someone who knew nothing about this sport, I found it very informative and easy to understand when trying to play the sport!

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