
Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Andrew Pacheco and I am currently a Junior at Penn State University from Northeastern Pennsylvania. I’m pursuing a major in Information Sciences and Technology (IST) with a concentration in Integration and Application and double minors in Security Risk Analysis and Supply Chain Management.

Put simply: I am learning about how businesses leverage technology to improve. Time and time again I have heard people mention that “every business is a technology business” and that is absolutely true! By combining my love for technology and interest in business, I have realized that I will be working on cutting edge problems upon graduation.

Here on The Business of Technology, I am going to be analyzing business problems from well-known tech companies and breaking them down to understand where the root of the problem may come from in order to propose potential plans for improvement. While I am only a third year student, I have had some real-world experience and extensive practice applying the concepts I have learned in the classroom.

I encourage you to take a look at some of my experience! I hope you can get a sense of what I have learned what I can create!

Want to learn a little more about IST? I’m happy to tell you all about it!