The Fall 2020 issue (v. 133, no. 530) of Journal of American Folklore (JAF) is now available online and will arrive in mailboxes soon. JAF 530 is a special issue entitled “Critical Folkloristics Today,” guest edited by Margaret A. Mills and William Westerman. This timely issue is introduced by Margaret Mills, who asks: “How can we more effectively engage general public and professional audiences in this critique, reaching beyond our own profession?” Articles by David A. McDonald, Anthony Bak Buccitelli, Rachel González-Martin, and by Alexandra Arkhipova, Daria Radchenko, and Anna Kirzyuk all address aspects of this question. As Mills points out, none exhaust the question; rather, this issue is intended as a contribution to an ongoing dialogue. In that spirit, James P. Leary offers “a partisan’s response” at the conclusion of the issue, and all involved hope that readers will submit additional responses.