RCL- Controversy topics

  1. Are fraternities and sororities being monitored correctly? 
  2. Should genetically modified organisms (GMOs) be grown? 
  3. Should historic statues be taken down? 

This is what she told us to do in class, but we had more information released to us for ASYNC class.

  1. I learned how to upload my slides on voice thread.
  2. I learned how to add myself and present my slides on a voice thread.
  3. I learned how to add myself to the group and post my TED Talk



As we await the holidays this season, this poem reminds us that happiness does not come from materialistic desires.  

The way this poem is crafted leaves the reader to believe they are reading the definitions of happiness and what happiness is not. It is an easy read due to the ample spacing that does not overwhelm the reader. The black and white background makes the message direct to the reader. 

So, what does this poem truly mean?  

Happiness is not something we can hold, buy, or use. It is not materialistic. No matter how much time we spend shopping on Amazon or buying the latest and trendiest items, if we find it fun, nothing that we will buy will fill the void of true happiness. Money does not buy happiness. That is a phrase that has been thrown around since the beginning of time, and I always thought money does buy happiness. Those with money have never wondered where their next meal is coming from, how they will pay for college, or if they will have new clothes for school. What I learned from this is money can alleviate stress, but the more money you have the harder it is to find happiness. Trivial things like free McDonald’s on the app does not make their day, and I cannot imagine life where I am not excited about free fries on the McDonalds app. Buying my car myself brought me a sense of pride and happiness to see I accomplished my goals and now they are tangible. Happiness is not about money, but the people around us and reaching goals we have set. 

Now what is happiness? 

The poem states that it is the freedom when you stop “craving for more, and when you feel like you can embrace change without fear.” I achieved true happiness. Sure, I am craving more. I want my dream internship, but I will walk any path that lies in front of me, and I will find happiness in all the people and life around me. Even if I am home over the summer, not learning and practicing skills for my career, there will still be events and community that will leave me to be happy. Embracing family and friends is what it truly means to be happy in my life, but happiness is obtained in several ways based on the person’s life. Never will I find happiness studying medicine, but it is a passion of my best friend, and it is what makes her happy. When dissecting a sheep’s brain, I am uneasy, she is overwhelmed with excitement. We all need to walk forward in life understanding what makes someone happy is different than what makes us happy. If picking at a sheep’s brain evokes interest, then let them dissect the sheep’s brain; I am happy with my studies of branding. People are different, and their needs are different as well, so the way they will achieve happiness is different from yours. 




find the balance  

between being 

productive and  

being patient 


-yung pueblo 


This poem gives the vibe that it is attainable to check off your list by its structure alone. The short choppy lines grab your attention. The diction productive and patient both start with a p, and I believe this is smart when it comes to the reader remembering yung pueblo’s message. It leads the reader to question the idea that one can be too productive. 

When I first read this poem, I thought, “How can someone be too productive.” Then I remembered I hadn’t given myself the time to watch a full episode of Bridgerton in the past week. It is time to start applying for summer internships, and I believe in the motto, don’t stop because someone somewhere is going to outwork you. When in reality, I could turn the application in on time rather than being the first person. By waiting, I could let my thoughts marinate because not everything in life is a race.  

I have worked my entire life. I started a paper route when I was eight with my neighbor. I am high-strung, and I will never not be seen working. Well maybe that is a little too far, but I am always juggling fifteen events and class and work and friends and clubs. It’s safe to say that I do not like rest. 

As crazy as it seemed the other day, I had to tell myself it was okay to nap. I literally thought, “Paige you’re in liberal arts, it’s okay, you can rest.” I believe that because I am studying liberal arts, I’m surrounded by others who are constantly learning new technology when I am just honing my soft skills, and I feel as if I am not doing as much, when I am.  

So, I fill my time applying for grants, internships, and study abroad, which is useful, but I could spend a little more time focusing on the balance in my life. 

I come from a family where we never rest. My parents both have two jobs, and I believe not having to work in college is a luxury. When I go to my lab for work, that is when I relax. It’s mindless work of cleaning and preparing the chemicals and materials. My job should not be the place where I say I am relaxing, and I am realizing how much of a workaholic I am as I type this. 

I guess my point is– It is hard to find balance. Especially when you are in Schreyer, when everybody is achieving at such a high level, I want to do the same. Sometimes, I forget that people only talk about the highlights in their lives, and I am not as behind as I think I am. So, I am on the search to find a balance between school, work, extracurricular activities, and achieving at a high level. Wish me luck! My friends said as I type this that it probably is not possible. 


Resources for Paradigm Shift Essay 

What LGBTQ Life, Activism, and Organizing in the United States Were Like Before Stonewall | Teen Vogue  

I am using this source as an informal source to present what life was like before Stonewall, and the organizations and community formed within the LGTBQ community before the riot. 

DEmilio-Capitalism-and-Gay-Identity.pdf (bpb-us-e2.wpmucdn.com) 

This is a PSU Library source that depicts the effects on capitalism and gay identity. It suggests that with the urban centers forming, LGBTQ people found communities easier, and faced less isolation. 

A Symbol of Gay Pride: The Stonewall Riots of 1969 

This is a Penn State Libraries Journal article that I am using to show that Stonewall riots were a turning point for the acceptance of LGBTQ and then the push for rights. 

What Stonewall means to the people who were there | PBS NewsHour 

This PBS article is useful for getting the perspective of those who were at stonewall, but I am specifically using it for life after stonewall. 

Gay Rights – Movement, Marriage & Flag | HISTORY 

I am using this for the information of the first LGBTQ organization in the 1920’s. 

1969 Stonewall Riots – Origins, Timeline & Leaders (history.com) 

More stonewall facts to ensure my argument is strong. 

Obama: Supreme Court Same-Sex Marriage Ruling ‘A Victory For America’ : The Two-Way : NPR 

2016 ruling to legalize gay marriage. Shows the evolving of acceptance towards gay rights. 

Attack on LGBTQ+ rights: The politics and psychology of a backlash | Berkeley 

I am using this for the don’t say gay bill to show how we are moving backwards from the turning point, and reverting to where we started. 

Here are the major Supreme Court decisions decided this term : NPR 

303 Creative v. Elenis 

I am using this court case to show how evolving ideas revert based on who is in office, and who is on the court. Proves how we are exactly back to where we started. 


they asked her,  

“are you wealthy” 

she responded, 

“yes. It took years to build, but now there  

is a palace in my heart that I have constructed  

out of awareness, calmness, and wisdom” 

-yung pueblo 


On my first read, I was trying to understand the connection between wealth and having awareness, calmness, and wisdom. I thought that if I was aware, calm, and wise, I could be rich. Then I had to take one more read, and it clicked. To be wealthy is not about money, to be wealthy is to understand your mental capabilities.  

This poem finds into the overarching theme of life that money does not buy happiness. Even though I am constantly questioning this statement, this poem opens our minds to say that true wealth is what lies in our brains. 

Yung Pueblo uses the framework of a question to force the reader to question what true wealth is. Does it lie in money? Does it lie in knowledge? Does it lie in family? He answers this question by stating it is a place in your heart where you are aware, calm, and wise. 

 So, what does this mean? His point is that to utterly understand life you need to take a step back, watch how your decisions impact others, and determine which direction you wish life to take you. By doing this one will gain wisdom to see beyond oneself and be well versed and self-sufficient with their lives. 

When I was on my journey to find the perfect college, I ran into the feeling as if I did not have enough wealth to fit in. Specifically, Ivy League Colleges. I felt as if I was a charity case, and I knew people could see that I was not rich by my clothes, my diction, and the way I presented myself. Money changes people’s outlook on life. I felt judged the entire time. I was aware of my every action. I was not calm. I did understand that I deserved to be there as much as the legacies due to my wisdom and my outlook on life. 

When choosing my perfect school, I understood that I lacked the certain monetary wealth that typically thrives in the environment of the Ivy League, and my voice was most likely going to be silenced. Whereas, at Penn State Schreyer Honors College, I felt heard, I felt valued, I felt wise, and I understood that this is where I belonged. At Penn State, I could be wealthy. I could branch out and explore the thousands of clubs here, I could travel the world, I could work with like-minded people, and most importantly I would never be viewed as lesser due to my monetary wealth because at Schreyer your cognitive wealth comes first. 

I will always wonder what life would have been like to attend UPenn, but I understand for sure that I fit in at Penn State and I made a great decision. 



Deafening Silence of Growing up Gay in a Heteronormative Society- Ross Rossow.


  • He starts by discussing how he is uncomfortable, and he is meant to stay in a bubble, just like in real life. Discusses how uncomfortable life situations are, being on a stage, thanksgiving dinner.
  • Living a life of acceptance or rejection, when it should just be living life.
  • Discusses outside sources that answer the questions of homosexuality, media, government, and our religions shape our idea of homosexuality.
  • He uses a lot of first person, which makes sense given the sensitivity of the subject.
  • They tend to focus on one word, they define it, and then they discuss the power behind the word.
  • His power point is tailored to him. Pictures of him.
  • Before colonialism, the idea of being queer was not out of the usual in the middle east. Until 1885, when the British said they would punish all homosexual behavior in the middle east. This is an evolving idea.
  • Why are people so scared of someone that is so different from them? Psychologist believes that we learn to become fearful by the people around us. Observational learning is what has been adopted for the LGBTQ community.
  • Negative connotation, phobia.
  • Homophobia. Due to the lack of living a life that is not the norm.
  • Don’t say gay bill. Turning gay into a dirty connotation. Believing that gay means promiscuity.
  • They are worried about children learning and deciding to become gay or questioning their gender which deviates from traditional society.
  • He states that even being taught, and living under fear, praying it away, but nothing ever changes.
  • Just ask for a safe space
  • Calling for change to be seen as normal people.
  • Conclusion- hits all the main points and then hits his strong ending that evokes emotion.

Ideas for essay and speech-

  1. Marriage equality for LGBTQIA+ community
  2. LQBTQIA+ Acceptance in the world, between social, political, and cultural ties.

You are the One with the Key

yung pueblo focuses on self-help poetry, where he utilizes the strategy of free verse poetry. He uses strong imagery that calls the reader to question their views on how their past has the ability to hold one back. We see as he questions “How did she undo her chains?” He then answers his very own question, giving insight to the reader on how to undo their chains as well.
pueblo begins his piece with the word and. In English classes, we are taught to never start a sentence with and, however, in poetry, it serves a point. It is used to not begin boldly because he has stronger points that hit the reader hard later. Therefore, he starts off slow to prevent overwhelming the reader, and then he hits the reader hard with a question. Typically, Poets first lines are attention getters. “and she walked forward” is not an impressive attention getter, so the reader will typically judge the poem by this line and skip to the next stanza. Where it is a strong question, so they return to the beginning, and they trust the poem will be entertaining and worth their time.
yung pueblo typically writes to the women demographic, we understand this from the use of the pronoun her. The reasoning for this is left unknown, but I imagine it has to do with the fact that women read 14.5% more poetry then men. (statistica.com)
This poem reminded me of leaving my hometown for college. I was not afraid for the big move; I was overwhelmed with excitement. I never wanted to look back. I was a little sad to be leaving my family, but I understood it is time to take my life into my own hands.
I realized my past could be left in my hometown. I could recreate myself and become the “master” of my own life.
When I went home for the first time, it was no longer my home. I felt as if I was a visitor. I was completely content with this because it meant that part of me is in the past. I am still proud of the person I was in my past life, but letting it die and moving on is incredibly important for future success. Some people fail to move on, and they let the past bind them in chains. However, it feels amazing to no longer have drama and craziness of high school, as I hold the power to my own future.
When I went to pass the homecoming crown to the next queen, they announced my future plans. One woman came up to me, and she told me, “I said I was going to be a doctor but look where I am now. Not a doctor that’s for sure.” If this was Paige pre-college this would destroy me. However, I know my worth, I know my opportunities. My past and the people apart of it, will not hold me back. For I am no longer chained, I am the master of my future.

Paradigm Shifts

  1. From coverture to women’s suffrage. Evolving of feminism. Understanding coverture, women’s domestic roles, republican motherhood, understanding major terms. Average women are who we can learn the most from. Other figures such as Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth, Rosa Parks, Queen Elizabeth II, Maya Angelou, Jane Austen, etc. There is a woman to explain every movement of feminism. Most of the time policies take way longer than the initial movements so I can focus on that. At many points in history, women are misunderstood, such as poor women being considered witches in the Salem Witch Trials. Then we see the start of education, which starts with Republican motherhood and then I can analyze their pathway to getting education. This idea is complicated due to the lack of representation of women’s voices, especially in the realm of people of color, they are often silenced. This would be a good topic for me because I am in women’s US history. The audience can learn about the tribulations of women. There is still inequality today.
  2. Emergence of AI. Discuss the fears of the American people. Development of AI such as chat gbt.I could analyze how GBT is making its way into American commonplaces, such as social media, and internet browsers. I am not a tech person, so as I am typing this, I am deciding this is not a good topic for me.
  3. Geocentrism to Heliocentrism. Belief that the Earth is the center of the universe to the sun is the center. Aristotle introduces the idea of egocentrism, which solves the idea that there is more than heaven in the sky. However, this idea will shift to Heliocentrism with Nicolaus Copernicus. He argued that the earth revolves on an axis and shifts in axis lead to changes in seasons. He correctly set the order of the planets. He also estimated the orbital periods. Galeo then studied the physics behind the astronomical discoveries of Nicolaus Copernicus, and he proved them to be true. This topic will take much studying, but it is less opinionated than the other topics and it is more based on facts. I am not studying astronomy, so I will have to go on a journey to discover all the information from credible sources. The audience can learn how scientific research comes about; I can discuss the impact on astronomy studies today.


With a Little Help from My Friends

Five lines. Five lines that will leave one to think for longer than five minutes. This poem includes fourteen words, and it conveys a large enough message to blog about. Pueblo uses no punctuation in this poem to leave the message lingering with the reader, it suggests openness and allows the audience to tailor the poem to themselves. 

I believe that most college-age students can reflect on their years since birth and know that they have had support systems that have carried them through. For example, parents tell their children they are great since they come out of the womb, and they are special. However, over the years some start to feel average, but we all have that one voice pushing us towards our dreams. As we get older, friends and teachers start to impact our self-worth more than parents.  

I am the definition of an underdog. Recently we discovered I have auditory processing disorder. “Auditory processing disorder (APD) is a term that refers to problems in how the brain understands speech. The sounds may be loud and clear. But people with APD don’t pick up on the subtle differences between them. “(www.understood.org). We did not know this until I turned 18. I was always deemed smart, and I was sectioned with the fast-paced classes. I always struggled to learn in lecture-styled classes, I cannot take it in the same as others. I noticed this during my sophomore year in lecture-based classes such as AP Biology. I struggled. My friends were relaying information to me over and over. The amount of help I needed to understand the message, killed me.  

I have never been one to ask for help. However, I typically relied on friends to reteach the lecture to me multiple times until I got it. When it came to conversation-style classes, I thrived. Once I understood what the lectures were truly conveying, it clicked, and I thrived. For my entire high school career, my friends and teachers saw an ability within me that I often did not see. When I struggled every day to understand the lecture, they were patient, when I was not. They carried me through my darkest moments, and they got me to a place where I see my own greatness.  

I was often overlooked. I was 33rd in my class of 120. My parents figured I would thrive in trade. I wanted to become a doctor, so I put hours upon hours into perfecting my work. It takes me an extra amount of time to comprehend, but I was driven to succeed, and I still am today. Without my friends and teachers seeing the underlying potential that needed a little extra attention, I would not have graduated 5th in my class, with many full-ride scholarships. I would not be in Schreyer Honors College. I would not be the most successful out of my High School graduating class.  

They helped me see my inner greatness. I had to be driven to reach my full potential. They did not leave me behind to fend for myself. They forced me to compete with the best. They forced me to not make excuses, but to use it to my advantage, understanding where my weaknesses lie, and how to improve.