Healthy living is something that many people strive for, especially as they get older and the temptations and ability to cheat become more appealing. For me, I have always been relatively healthy growing up. A main contributor to this fact is that I danced my whole life and played several other sports, so I was always busy, always active. This meant I didn’t have to worry about my health or my eating too much because of the massive amount of calories I was naturally burning every single week. Not to mention, I have always been small for my age, so I would increasingly hear from my friends as we got older how jealous they were of my metabolism, although someday soon it would probably hit a wall.
Coming to college was a big change in many aspects, including lifestyle. I simply am just not as active as I was in high school with all of my sports. This lack of routine, structured exercise eventually made me realize that I needed to start thinking about what I ate more, which was something I was not very used to. In the first semester I noticed myself start to feel like I was gaining some weight, but I was determined to avoid the “freshman 15.” So, I started going to the gym regularly and tried to control the amount I ate on a daily basis. This went pretty well at first, but with an already demanding schedule, keeping up with all of this became a struggle.
It is hard to keep being healthy on your mind when there are so many other pressing things that take up your time and attention. With all of the stress, and the easy swipe meal plan, it also made it harder to resist constantly trying all the different options.
However, I am now committed to watching what I am eating, and I am back on my gym schedule. It has been an up and down adventure of its own, trying to live healthier. And I know it is a valuable tool to learn and practice now to carry into the future, when I am living and cooking on my own. There will always be the temptations of the box of cookies, but I will continue to do my best to put it out of my mind, because eating healthier has made me feel better and more in control of my independent college life.
February 14, 2020 at 6:11 pm
I believe in you. Adjusting is difficult, but you will find a routine that works best for you. And as committed as Penn State is to having healthy students, the meal plan swipes aren’t the greatest influence. You just gotta find what works best for you and get down to business. Good Luck!
April 4, 2020 at 2:50 am
I relate to the changes that college has brought about in my life, especially with healthy living. With the lack of structure and no regular sports practices, I found myself slipping into an unhealthy lifestyle as well. I was able o make a schedule for myself and drop the bad habits that I had formed. If you stay committed, I know that you ca do the same and accomplish your goal of living a healthy lifestyle!