June 17

Welcome and Introductions

Welcome to the Penn State Parli Pro website! This website will be a collection of resources for people to be able to learn and teach parliamentary Procedure according to Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised.

A brief overview of who the Penn State Parli Pro team is:

Dr.Daniel Foster is currently a teacher educator at Penn State University where he helps prepare future secondary agricultural educators/FFA Advisors. He is a passionate individual looking to make a positive difference in the world around him. Before working at the University, he had the best time of my life teaching high school agriculture and helping students realize their potential in Willcox, Arizona.

Mr.Nathan Moyer is a sophomore in Agricultural and Extension Education at Penn State University. He got his start in Parliamentary Procedure through his high school’s FFA. He is an accredited parliamentarian and enjoys helping others find their passion for the subject as well.


Ms.Amanda Gagn’e is a Senior in Agricultural and Extension Education at Penn State University. She also got her start with parliamentary procedure with her high school FFA Chapter. She served as a Connecticut State FFA Officer before attending Penn State to be an agricultural teacher and FFA advisor. She is an accredited parliamentarian and assists with local youth parliamentarian events in Pennsylvania and surrounding states.

The Penn StateĀ  Practical Parliamentary Procedure Class is a class taught by Dr.Daniel Foster with the help of his teaching assistants Mr.Moyer and Ms.Gagn’e (for Fall 2019). The class helps teach students about parliamentary procedure as well as create helpful tools for others to either teach or learn parli pro themselves! This website will house those materials created by the class as well as their twitter and blog page!


Posted June 17, 2019 by Amanda M Gagne in category Uncategorized

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