
Similarly to skimboarding, another summertime activity I miss is surfing.  Now, I am by no means a skilled surfer, but every year at the beach I enjoy the challenge of trying to stand up on a floating wobbly piece of plastic propelled by a surge of water toward the shoreline.

My family has a tradition of going to the beach in Ventnor City, New Jersey for a week every summer.  Ever since I was little I’ve been going to the beach and enjoying the ocean.  My siblings and cousins and I would spend the majority of the day in the freezing cold Jersey water having the time of our lives on boogie boards.  The rush of catching waves made up for the lack of circulation to my toes.

Years of boogie boarding taught us pretty well how to time the waves, and it eventually became so simple some of the fun was lost.  Problem solving led us to the solution that to make wave riding interesting again, we should add a new challenge.  We decided to try standing up.  As a family we took some surf lessons, and I remember the first lesson we ever had and how satisfying standing up successfully felt.

284474_115643518531380_1169698_nFirst ever lesson

Since that first year of surfing, we’ve taken group lessons here and there, purchased two surf boards, and made just a little progress in skills overall.  Nevertheless, I always am keen to give it another try any time I’m near an ocean.  The euphoria of the one or two successful waves is enough to keep me engaged and wanting more.  One day I would love to live near the beach and finally get good at surfing.  Though I have not improved much since those first few lessons, the fun challenge of surfing keeps me coming back every summer wanting more.

dsc_0040My brother and me at a lesson a few years ago

2 thoughts on “Surfing

  1. kgn5025

    Hi Emily, I really enjoy your topic for your passion blog. It’s really cool how you try all of these outdoor activities and I like how the pictures you post are pictures of your own! I personally have never tried surfing. I feel like that’s definitely a cool skill to have because it seems very challenging. The fact that you’ve been able to ride a couple waves even is awesome. I’m just so uncoordinated that I feel like surfing is something that will happen for me the day pigs fly! But it’s really cool that you’ve been working on that.

  2. ajs6928

    My family and I also go on annual vacations to the Jersey Shore. Boogie boarding was one of the favorite beach activities among all the cousins. Although, I remember between our whole family we only had two boogie boards and seven cousins, all of which wanted to use the boogie board. There were many heated disputes over who got to use the boogie board.


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