First Blog, Start from the East

Hi, my name is Robert Chen, currently a first-year student at PSU. A good meal can ease out your stress, carry your clueless mind out of the overwhelming work, so let me introduce you some of the best food around the campus.

Today I will present you the best fast food in the campus in my opinion — Flipps

Flipps showed off just like its name, completely flipped my stereotype impression about college food. I ordered 1 chicken sandwich with bacon, French fries, and the chicken tender. The order turns out around 6 dollies, maybe not as cheap as the dining hall buffet but it is undoubtedly more affordable than many other restaurants. Not much listed on Flipps menu but every option worth its value.

And now, let me tour you to this feast of fast food. The first to appear is nothing but French Fries. You may think: how special can a French Fries be? If you fall into the impression of high school’s soggy Fries with its second day showing at cafeteria, then nothing can refresh your mind like Flipps’ fires. With the first bite, you hear the crispiness of fires, then the aroma of potato decorated by salt rushes into your mouth. Your brain will soon be addicted of this crispiness, consuming more and more.

Following the fires, chicken tenders bring this feast to the climax. If a big bite of a fresh cooked chicken tender can’t fulfill all your imagination of fast food, nothing else will complete the job then. Bites down softly and just let the taste of chicken, crispy of skin, softness of inside and tiny bit of BBQ source mix up, satisfy your desire for food. A good chicken tender requires a crispy skin but also lock the juice, many other has failed this goal which highlights Flipps success even more. And if you plan to home make chicken tender, here comes a suggestion: use soda to tenderize your chicken.

After all, the chicken sandwich debuts itself. Flipps provides a “making your own” option for burgers and sandwiches, favorize verity of potentials. I decided on a fried chicken with bacon, and tomato, lecture, pickle as compliments. The taste revealed stronger than I imagine, the sourness from pickle upgraded the entire sandwich more than a level. Bacon enriched the flavor of the sandwich but kept the original taste of fried chicken. The chicken performed poorly on crispiness but perfectly on flavor, salty but not overwhelming, spiced but not oily. The lecture and tomatoes inside clear out any greasy taste that bacon and fired chicken may bring, protect us from any overly sick taste. I personally prefer sandwiches without cheese but if you identify yourself as a cheese lover, definitely   recommend you try out American Cheese with it.

And that covers my opinions about Flipps, judgements should always made by your own experience instead of my words. The Flipp locates at East Campus Dining hall, and opens at 12pm.

Thank you so much for reading, have a great meal!




3 thoughts on “First Blog, Start from the East

  1. Hi Robert!
    I haven’t been to Flipps yet, but after that post I’d really like to try it out. I’ve always gone to Redifer City Grille in the South Dining Halls when I’m feeling like fast food, and it’s been hit-or-miss but usually pretty good. You have good taste, I also usually go with the chicken and bacon sandwich with fries and sometimes tenders. I’m definitely going to try Flipps soon when I’m in the East area, I just haven’t made the trip because I live in South so it’s sort’ve out of the way for me.

  2. Hi Robert. I will definitely be trying a chicken sandwich because your description was so vivid. But Holy Moly I will definitely not be using soda to tenderize my chicken tenders! Okay maybe one day, but for now I will keep using my meal plan. Have you tried the mozzarella sticks? They are a perfect snack in my opinion. Good luck with your food reviews!

  3. I had no idea, as someone who does not live in East, about Flipps even existing. However, it did help me research what options are similar near my housing area, and led to me discovering the Redifer City Grill in the South Dining Hall. I actually went to try some of the items that you recommended and found myself agreeing with many of your reviews, which is a great sign of a good review blog. One question I would pose is how this establishment compares with all the other food options in the East food district, and if Flipps is worth all of the hype that comes from Penn State freshman?

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