A shocking one

Hi everyone! By this point, I believe most of you are over with mid-terms and projects. And today I may present some shocking personal opinions to you. Today I will make a few outrageous comments on Starbucks. But just before the flaming fire burns this blog down, I have to claim Starbucks exceeds many coffee shops in the current market, but it also earns the overrated title from time to time.

Starbucks Logo - PNG y Vector

My criticism starts with the price. IT’S TOO EXPENSIVE! I am a huge coffee drinker, and in many places that I have visited, Starbucks overcharges the most! If you compare the price to other “fast food” coffee shops such as Dunkin Donuts, Costa, or even McDonald’s, Starbucks’s price can be registered as the highest of all here. But if you compare it with other coffee products in the same price range, you can access many different coffees with an upgrade on the quality aspect.

The second one is the quality. This one may cause many disagreements by just looking at this statement, but please let me explain myself here. Starbucks has a decent taste overall, but they are ruining it in a way! The core of every drop of coffee is the coffee itself, so when you start to add all kinds of flavors in there, it’s not an upgrade but a sabotage! I am a big fan of pure black coffee I enjoyed Starbucks’ Americano (which counted as black coffee in a way), but when I see Starbucks releasing list after list of intolerable inventions, my blood starts to boil. Just like how Italian people are rejecting pineapple on pizza with every ounce of their soul, I resist supporting these new generations of coffee. With any food, all ingredients are required to bond together to form a new taste that is balanced, and mixed but doesn’t lose its taste at the same time. But just on the opposite, this “coffee” manages to violate this rule multiple times in one sip. The taste of peach conflicts with the sweetness of the cream and then quickly blends into the bitterness of aftertaste, and now you wrap your head around it, all you have is a bite of peach, a spoon of cream, and a sip of coffee! IT DOESN’T FIT! Sure, there are many items on the menu that won the reputation of Starbucks but that doesn’t mean they won’t have some wired invention once in a while.

Starbucks Tea & Cafe has released “Peach Tranquility Tea Frappuccino ...

And the last one here is the waiting lane. This may not be accurate for all of them but surely represents a majority of them. Coffee is a soul mate of mine that supported me spiritually for years, it’s more than a dose of caffeine that I need on an exhausting morning or a tired night. If anything, I would like to consume my coffee in peace, but that can’t be the case here. Depending on which Starbucks you are at, your waiting time can be 5-10 minutes at a workday! The workers are being as efficient as they can, there are simply too many of us – the customers! With this giant crowd, a moment of relaxation will not exist.

But with all these be in said, Starbuck is not just a scam, it is popular for a reason! It got its own pros, but cons are also something on the list when you considering what coffee you are getting next time!


0 thoughts on “A shocking one

  1. I really liked how you acknowledged the price concerns with Starbucks because as much as I call myself a frequent visitor, the price is something that makes me limit my consumption. I also like how you talked about the concerns from the perspective of a college student, because as a community we often struggle with the money aspect of college life. I also think people don’t often consider that Starbucks is popular for a reason, and the lines do become long for the reason that people like it! This definitely made me think about how often I visit Starbucks and how it has both pros and cons.

  2. Hi Robert! I enjoy Starbucks from time to time but I definitely can agree with most of your points here. In my opinion, the insanely good branding and good marketing is the best part of Starbucks as a whole. I enjoy some of their items and appreciate the effort baristas put into the drinks but take away the 1000 calories and 80+ grams of sugar added and the actual coffee itself is mediocre at best -but they do have great refreshers. I also agree with your point of it being extremely overpriced, it’s pretty ridiculous paying over $5 for a coffee but because Starbucks has been so hyped up people are willing to pay. Since you are an avid coffee lover like myself, I’d recommend checking out some of the small cafes around State College if you haven’t already- Rothrock and Elixr have pretty good freshly brewed coffee for lower prices. Great post!

  3. Hi Robert! I honestly used to think Starbucks was overrated until I started drinking coffee when I came to college. I swore that I would never drink it because I hated the taste of coffee in high school but now its like my tastebuds have evolved. I started off with black coffee but I have come to learn that I love flavored coffee. I enjoy spicing things up. Although I respect your discontent with all the flavors, I love it and I think it caters to people that enjoy a fun pick me up drink with some caffeine. One thing I do agree with you on is the outrageous prices. No coffee should be eight dollars!

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