The Marías

The Marías is a bilingual band from Los Angeles. The lead singer’s name is María, however, the rest of the band is male, and none of their names are María as their band name would suggest. I was first exposed to them by my friend who has always had much cooler taste in music than I do. We were sitting in her car eating lunch and I quickly looked them up on Spotify while she wasn’t looking and saved their whole discography. (Could I have just admitted I’d never heard of them? Sure. But have you ever felt like something was just made for you? And the fact that you had no idea it existed is just embarrassing? Because that is truly how I felt.)

The Marías make indie pop music in both Spanish and English. Sometimes whole songs are in one language, and sometimes verses alternate. The best way I can describe it is that most of their songs sound like you’re dreaming. They’re one of my preferred artists for hanging out in my room playing video games (Hayday), or reading. If I had a blanket and money to buy a baguette, I would have a picnic.

I saw The Marías in concert last August right before I left for college.

They were performing at Outside Lands, which is a music festival in San Francisco. I decided that I liked all of the artists performing on a particular stage, so I hung out there for an absurdly long period of time (hence the sunburns) before they came on stage. I really can’t describe the experience because I think I blacked out in awe during the performance (and I was insanely dehydrated) but they were incredible and she winked at me and I literally almost fainted. Ok I think we’re getting kind of off topic here.

Their most popular song according to Spotify is Otro Atardecer, which is a Bad Bunny song they have a feature on. By connecting with other prominent Latino artists, they’re able to expand their fanbase and make more incredible music. My one critique of their music is that as soon as you’ve heard 3 or 4 of their songs, you’ve pretty much heard their whole discography. That’s not to say you shouldn’t listen to all of their songs, but that kind of dreamy sound can kind of blend together and make it sound very similar. I don’t hate that, because I really like their sound, but if you’re looking for range, you might want to keep looking.

That being said, they’re definitely worth checking out if you enjoy artists like Clairo, Omar Apollo, or Men I Trust. Some of my favorite songs are Clueless, I Don’t Know You, Calling U Back and Cariño.


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