Love is All You Need

To start off this blog post I have an important announcement to make: on Friday I am going home for break and seeing Charlie! That’s it, thats the announcement, and I promise its important and relevant. What’s interesting is that two years ago I would’ve hated to come home to a dog. The jumping, the […]

I Ain’t Afraid of no Dog

In my first blog past I recalled my childhood fear of my uncles miniature dachshund. Its funny, because a miniature dachshund can’t do much more than tug on your pant leg. To my own surprise, I never overcame that fear. Even if I met a seemingly nice dog, I couldn’t shake it. To say that […]

Everybody Loves a Heated Blanket

Allow me to tell you a little bit about my bedroom at home (assuming it is still mine and my sister hasn’t moved in). Of the two kid bedrooms in my house, its the bigger one. It has lots of natural light, built-in drawers in the walls (cool, right?), a big comfy double bed, and […]

A Walk I Remember

Let’s recap: I’m embroiled in a cold war with my family’s new dog Charlie after he decided to pee on my bedroom rug. He doesn’t enter my room, he doesn’t sit on my lap, I don’t feed him, and I certainly don’t take him on walks. To my advantage, my parents stressed that Grace take […]