Enneagrams – The Golden Trio

Hello Everyone!


I will be talking about the Enneagram personality test again this week. “The Enneagram is a system of personality typing that describes patterns in how people interpret the world and manage their emotions” (Truity).  There are disputes about the origins of the theories with various people being cited as the originator. The Enneagram is widely used in “business management and spiritual contexts through seminars, conferences, books, magazines, and DVDs” (Enneagram_of_Personality).  The Enneagram defines “nine personality types (sometimes called ‘enneatypes’), which are represented by the points of a geometric figure called an enneagram, which indicates connections between the types. There are some different schools of thought among Enneagram teachers and their understandings are not always in agreement” (Enneagram_of_Personality).

The Nine Archetypes: Exploring the Enneagram personality test | wbir.com


      This week I’ll be discussing the Enneagram of Harry Potter characters. I will start off with Harry, Ron, Hermione,    . For those of you who read my MBTI blogs, Enneagram is a little different than MBTI. Enneagram is more focused on the nurture aspect of your personality while Myers-Briggs is more focused on nature. Enneagrams are also viewed as more holistic while MBTI is more analytical.

So let’s jump right in!

Harry Potter is a 9wing8. Type 9s are called the “peacemakers” or “diplomats”. Humility is a large part of the personality and Harry routinely puts down all the fanfare about him and his accomplishments by saying that he just got lucky. Type 9 also “dislike conflict and interpersonal tension” and Harry would always be the mediator whenever Ron and Hermione bickered (Innercle). Harry would also sometimes run out of patience and have an emotional outburst, which is something that is typical of type 9s. Nines are stubborn, a trait that is routinely associated with Harry. He doesn’t ask for help and rushes off into dangerous situations without telling anyone or any authority figures. One of the base fears for type 9s is one of loss and separation. Harry lost both of his parents when he was a baby, lost his godfather, lost his mentor, etcetera. Long story short, he’s lost a lot of people in his life, so it would make sense for him to be afraid of losing more of the people that he loves. The wing 8 makes him more adventurous and assertive than base type nines.

Hermione Granger is a 3w4, often called the “achiever” or the “medalist”. Type 3s are “success-oriented individuals, driven by goals and desires to reach the very top by any means necessary” (Terzigni). All of these traits are incredibly pertinent to Hermione. In her third year of school, she took 12 classes. I know that might not seem like that many but a normal schedule was 10 and the only way she was able to do it was by having a magical artifact that she was technically not supposed to have and literally traveling through time (wiki). The basic fear for 3w4 is the fear of failure. Hermione’s boggart (a creature that shapeshifts into your greatest fear) is literally of Professor McGonagall giving her a failing grade. 3w4s tend to be more introverted, creative, and free-spirited than other 3s. Type 3s are image-conscious and this shows in Hermione when she tricked the school nurse into giving her smaller teeth (she was known for having buck teeth). I feel like Hermione is a great representation of a type 3 personality.

Ron Weasley is a 6w7. This type is often called the “loyalist” or the “buddy”. Sixes are really big on support and being loyal. They also “honor their commitments and are very loyal to their friends” (crystal). Ron has shown his loyalty many times. In his first year of school, when he barely knew Harry and Hermione for four months, he sacrificed himself for them. He was around 12 when he did this, purposefully letting himself get injured so his friends could continue on. He continues this trend every, if not almost every, year. In the second year he followed a trail of spiders into the forbidden forest to help Harry and Hagrid, his greatest fear is spiders. He has said,”‘If you want to kill Harry, you’ll have to kill us, too!'” (MuggleNet).  Type 7 adds humor and the ability to be laid-back into his personality. Sixes are very thoughtful and logical, Ron is not. He is very “heart over head” in his thought process, this is one of the only reasons I would hesitate to make him a 6w7, but it is not pertinent enough for it to change his base personality typing.

If any of you want to take the test for yourselves to see what personality you are, here is the link to one of the most popular Enneagram tests that I can find, and here is a link to the Enneagram Institute so you can read a little more about your type!

Thank you so much for reading my blog post for this week! I hope that was entertaining, insightful, and you weren’t bored!


Here is a picture for those of you who may want to see where your Enneagram puts you in the Hogwarts houses!


Sources – 

13, Imogen April, et al. “Harry Potter Characters & Their Enneagram Type.” Innercle.com, 24 Aug. 2019, innercle.com/enneagram/harry-potter-characters-and-their-enneagram-type/.

Barclay, Author: Tom. “The Nine Archetypes: Exploring the Enneagram Personality Test.” Wbir.com, 16 July 2018, www.wbir.com/article/news/local/watercooler/the-nine-archetypes-exploring-the-enneagram-personality-test/51-574457436.

Bird, Jackson. “The 12 Most Powerful Witches in Harry Potter, Ranked.” Vulture, Vulture, 1 Nov. 2017, www.vulture.com/2017/11/harry-potter-witches-ranked.html.

Cherry, Kendra. “What Can the Enneagram Tell You About Your Personality?” Verywell Mind, 23 June 2020, www.verywellmind.com/the-enneagram-of-personality-4691757.

“Enneagram of Personality.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 28 Oct. 2020, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enneagram_of_Personality.

“The Enneagram Personality Test.” Truity, 13 Nov. 2020, www.truity.com/test/enneagram-personality-test.

Enneagram Type 6w7 – The Confidant, www.crystalknows.com/enneagram/type-6-wing-7.

“Enneagram Types Hogwarts Houses in 2020: Enneagram, Type 5 Enneagram, Enneagram 9.” Pinterest, www.pinterest.com/pin/735423814144985019/.

Lee, Daniel N. Harry Potter and the Ancient Enneagram, Blogger, 10 May 2019, www.danielnlee.com/2019/05/harry-potter-and-ancient-enneagram.html.

Libbey, Dirk. “Harry Potter Fans Can Watch Daniel Radcliffe Return To The Wizarding World By Reading Its Very First Chapter.” CINEMABLEND, CINEMABLEND, 6 May 2020, www.cinemablend.com/news/2495647/harry-potter-fans-can-watch-daniel-radcliffe-return-to-the-wizarding-world-by-reading-its-very-first-chapter.

Lockyer, Margaret, and Margaret Lockyer (130 Articles Published) Margaret Lockyer has a degree in English and History with honours in Apocalyptic literature from the UPEI where she played varsi. “J.K. Rowling Should Have Let Ron Weasley Become a Stay-at-Home Dad.” CBR, 5 Apr. 2020, www.cbr.com/ron-weasley-should-have-been-a-stay-at-home-dad/.

MuggleNet, and Amy Hogan. “‘Harry Potter’ and the Nine Personality Types.” MuggleNet, 30 May 2014, www.mugglenet.com/2014/05/harry-potter-and-the-9-personality-types/.

Terzigni, Carly. “These Are the Enneagram Types for Our Favorite Harry Potter Characters!” AllEars.Net, 8 Sept. 2020, allears.net/2020/09/17/these-are-the-enneagram-types-for-our-favorite-harry-potter-characters/.

“Third Year.” Harry Potter Wiki, harrypotter.fandom.com/wiki/Third_year.

“What Is the Enneagram?” Truity, 24 June 2020, www.truity.com/enneagram/what-is-enneagram.

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