So You Think I’m Stupid?

Yes.  People are stupid.  And yes I know that is a rather harsh thing to say, but it is undoubtedly true.  However, as not to take offense, since everyone is inherently stupid, you don’t really have much to be upset about because you are not more or less stupid than anyone else.

Why are people stupid?  We live our lives according to society’s dictation.  In many ways this is a very necessary practice.  Not only do we want to feel as if we are part of a system, part of a collective whole that works towards something that is beyond the individual, but we need this societal structure in order to be more productive and innovative.  Individuals cannot survive without the system, no matter how much they might ultimately abhor it.

There are also some who so thoroughly enjoy being part of the system, that they never think to imagine life any way else.  They adopt the prescribed ideals of society as their own and find a numbing bliss through them.  I am not trying to claim that this happiness is in-genuine.  This submission of independent thought is a very compelling philosophy, as it means that as long as the mold society propagates provides enough satisfaction in the moment, then why worry yourself about there being a different meaning to life?

However, this way of life is essentially stupid because you trustingly submit yourself to something beyond your own being.  You cease to truly recognize yourself as an individual because you are always conscious of what you should be doing in order to successfully mesh into society’s design.  Perhaps you may ask, why should I care if I’m acting stupidly, as long as I am happy?  This may be right.  Maybe it does not matter.  But then again, maybe it does.

On the other hand, there are those who reject society’s plan for them.  Their minds rebel against what they know they “should” be doing.  They do not want to follow the laid out path for their lives, and therefore cannot be content.  They struggle with why they should do certain things, and question the way that society seems to arbitrarily establish its rules.

Although these people try to break from the stupidity of being ignorant to society’s ways, they enter their own realm of stupidity.  Why perturb yourself in life simply because of the imagination which fills you with the hope of more?  Whether you enjoy your hopes and dreams in your imagination, or simply pine for something that you cannot even classify, in comparison with the happy life you could be living by submitting to the all-important society, you are being quite stupid.

Perhaps even now you still don’t think that these ways of living life are stupid at all.  They both have their merits and their absurdities, but why does that necessarily classify them as stupid?  I am claiming that these ways of life are indeed stupid because no matter what there are always factors that we don’t understand.  No matter what our philosophy, we always remain ignorant, always remain stupid.  However, in my mind, this is not a bad thing.  It is perfectly natural.

Why is it important that I recognize this stupidity?  Perhaps it is because I like the idea of trying to think my way out of this hole of ignorance which I was born into.  Is that very realistic?  Probably not.  Will I still work toward it anyway?  Probably yes.


I don’t know.

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