How This All Works + First Review: 8 Mile

With the increase in the amount of streaming services over the past few years, many movies have become very easily accessible. With the TV in my dorm finally set up since moving, what better a topic to make my passion blog about than movies!

Each week, I’ll watch a movie that I have not previously seen and give my first impressions of that movie. I’ll split up each review into multiple sections. First, a basic introduction to the plot, characters, actors, directors, etc. (basically the first paragraph on the back of a DVD box). Then, I’ll talk about what I liked versus what I did not like about each film.  This middle section will be split up into a spoiler-free and a spoiler section so that those who have not seen whatever film is reviewed that week do not have to have the film spoiler for them in order to read my post. Finally, I’m still not sure if I want to give each movie a number score, but I’ll definitely end each post with a recommendation to either watch the movie or skip over it.


With all the rules out of the way, let’s get started on the first movie I watched on the newly set-up TV: 8 Mile (2002)



The movie depicts a fictionalized version of rapper Eminem’s life. Jimmy “B-Rabbit” Smith (Eminem) struggles with both his rap career and everyday life. After breaking up with his girlfriend and getting booed of stage at a rap battle for choking, Smith has to get a job at a steel plant and move back in to his mom’s trailer. With his group of friends supporting him and a rival group of rappers against him, Smith has stand up for himself and show the world that he’s not afraid.

Full Cast List (if interested):



Although I would not call myself an Eminem fan, I did find myself enjoying many aspects of this movie. Many of the colors in this film are dark, blue, and gray, communicating a depressive tone. The setting, Detroit in the late 90s, is filled with run down and abandoned buildings, effectively working against Rabbit by showing him what his future holds if he never finds a way to better his life. Another thing that I liked about this movie was its consistent oppressive, yet hopeful tone. The music is sparse, but clearly communicates emotion when present. Additionally, the relationship between Rabbit and some of his friends feel like real relationships. They goof around together and hangout. Even when they disagree, in the end they remain friends.

However, there were some things that I did not like about this movie. Some of the comic relief works effectively within the movie without destroying the tone, but some seems a little to silly for the rest of the movie  Without getting into spoilers, some of the side characters could either use more characterization or just be dropped entirely. Especially the main antagonists, who barely have a few minutes of screen time.


One of the better parts of this movie is how it focuses on Rabbit more as a character than a rapper. A movie filled with him trying to rap and hearing others rap the whole time would have felt corny. Instead, rapping acts as a way for Rabbit to escape his life. He raps when hanging out with his friends for a little, but then interacts with his mom, gets in a fight, and goes to work before he raps again.

On the negative, the pacing in this movie isn’t the greatest. The first half hour move along well by introducing Rabbit’s life, but many scenes in the middle of the movie either go on way too long or don’t push the plot forward. However, the climactic rap battle at the end of the movie acts as an effective and poetic ending when Papa Doc (Anthony Mackie) chokes just like Rabbit did at the beginning.

Overall, I enjoyed watching this movie, but probably would not watch it again for a while. I would recommend watching it if you like sad/hopeful movies or just want to hear some (scripted) free style rapping while watching a movie.  7/10 if you want a number score 🙂


If you want to watch this movie, this link will tell you what services it can be found on


Photo Credit:

8 Mile Cast List, IMDB,

‘8 Mile’ 10th Anniversary: What Happened To Eminem?, HuffPost, 6 Dec. 2017,




3 thoughts on “How This All Works + First Review: 8 Mile

  1. Hey Patrick, I loved your review of 8 Mile. I’ve seen this movie several times and I would consider it one of my personal favorites. Your review definitely does the film justice in pointing out its strengths and weaknesses. Your description of the setting in Detroit in the 90s was effective in portraying the ambiance of the film. The film ends on a high note for Rabbit, but he’s still poor, depressed, and barely has a home. Also, I liked your note about how rapping isn’t the main focus of the film – it’s the character development of Rabbit and rapping is used as his escape. Overall, good review but I would’ve given the movie a better score.

  2. I have not seen this movie, but I have always wanted to. I was an Eminem fan a few years ago, but I don’t really listen to him anymore. However, the movie still seems like something I might want to watch, as I have heard the soundtrack, and I liked it quite a bit. This post has moved me closer to wanting to see it myself.

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