All my homies are in love with Hailee Steinfeld

Dickinson — Season 3 Official Trailer | Apple TV+ - YouTube


Welcome back to Queeries! Let’s jump right into another queer media review. This one is a good one, so get yourself ready.

Over winter break, I had access to Apple TV+ because my sister’s fiance is signed in on our TV at home. I clearly had to use this to my advantage, so I watched the entirety of Dickinson before returning to school. If I had access to it at school, I would have rewatched it like twice by now. It was just that good.

Dickinson tells the story of Emily Dickinson, including her family, writing, and relationship with Sue Gilbert. Emily is played by Hailee Steinfeld, and I mean, how could you not love her? All my homies are in love with Hailee Steinfeld. Two of my friends legitimately have the classic Hailee Steinfeld suit pic hanging in each of their rooms, and I may or may not be next to do so.

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As a brief side note, I definitely did take the opportunity to have access to Disney+ at home over spring break to watch Hawkeye, specifically for Hailee Steinfeld as Kate Bishop. That was a great show too, and that’s where the suit pic is from. Kate’s mom asks her to put on a red dress for some event, but she shows up in an all black suit instead (talk about a power move). Okay, back to Dickinson

If you’re looking for a gay show, let me express to you my exact reaction after watching the first episode of Dickinson. You don’t have to wait at all for this show to be gay. It’s gay right away. So many shows seem to develop the queer relationships later on in the series, sometimes a couple of seasons in. You sit down to watch the show specifically for the queer couple (*cough* Atypical *cough*), but by the time they’re actually a couple, the series is over. Dickinson is vastly different, and it was perfect. Emily and Sue’s relationship is portrayed so beautifully.

toni on Twitter | Hailee steinfeld, Dickinson, Steinfeld

Beyond this, the way the show was written and filmed is immaculate as well. The accuracy of certain elements of the time period during which Emily Dickinson lived is so perfectly balanced and contrasted with pieces of modern culture. This includes traditional dances turning into much more modern moves, and modern phrases being used by the characters. The way the characters talk about the issues in their lives sometimes exactly mirrors what people have been saying about the pandemic over the last couple of years. It’s absolutely hilarious to see and hear this type of modern content set within a period piece.

Does 'Dickinson's Modern-Day and Period Piece Mashup Work?

I absolutely recommend that you watch this show if you can. It’s up there with my favorites, and I need to figure out how to watch it again.

Alright, that’s it for this week. Take a moment to check in with yourself today and see what you need. Make sure you’re taking care of yourself, and be true to your identity. As always, I love you and I’m proud of you for existing and doing the best you can. Come back next week for a new post!

With love,
PJ <3



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