Consumer and social concern


Choking occurs when an object blocks the airway, leading to difficulty breathing or the inability to breathe. Peanuts are the leading cause of choking accidents in children and lead to inflammation of the airway. Children are most susceptible to choking on peanuts, especially whole peanuts, because their airways and esophagus are so small in diameter. To avoid choking accidents and deaths in children, it is important to keep food that can cause choking away from children and/or cut up the food into smaller pieces. Young children should never have hold of whole shelled peanuts. Parents should be aware of the abdominal thrusts (Heimlich Maneuver) and know how to perform it on their children and infants.

Consumer and Social concern


According to Food Allergy Research & Education, “Peanut allergy is the most common food allergy in children under age 18 and the second-most common food allergy in adults.” As of 2017, peanut allergies in children have increased 21 percent, and about 2.5 percent of children have peanut allergies. If someone with a peanut allergy is exposed to peanuts, they can experience a variety of allergic reactions, including itchiness, stomachache, runny nose, hives, and tingling in the mouth. One with a severe allergy to peanuts may experience anaphylaxis, a severe and potentially life-threatening condition, if exposed to peanuts. Symptoms include difficulty breathing and swallowing, vomiting, swelling, and loss of consciousness; death can result if left untreated. Those with peanut allergies must be cautious of what they eat and are exposed to in order to avoid allergic reactions and anaphylaxis. Cross contamination can also cause reactions in some individuals, so avoidance of foods that are made in factories that use nut ingredients is important.

Golden Peanut

Golden Peanut is one of the top peanut companies along with Birdsong. They make 80 percent of all peanuts in the United States. Golden Peanut had a profit of $56 million in 1990 and became a big monopoly in the peanut business. Farmers sued Golden Peanut because they thought they took advantage of what they had. They offer employee benefits 401k, health benefits, life, vision, and dental. Golden Peanut is  committed to food safety, quality, and provides global impact across communities and industries.

Op-ed: The Peanut Industry Has a Monopoly Problem—but Farmers Are Pushing Back | Civil Eats

Benefits of Tree Nuts and Peanuts | About Golden Peanut

Top manufacturers of peanuts

The top manufacturers of peanuts are Krishna Industries, Longda, Charbhuja, Chofco, American Blanching, Cargill, Donlinks, MS Peanut, Yihai Kerry, Sonya Group, Algood Food Company, and Golden Peanut. Some examples the top manufactures are Krishna Industries which started in 1999 and is owned by Kantibhai Patel. The company relies on technology and CNC machinery for their manufacturing. Longda is plastic manufacturer which is located in Shanghai China and was founded in 1995. Lastly Golden Peanut is the leading peanut industry delivering high quality peanuts to people across the nation.

Peanuts Market Size 2021 Global Trend, Top Manufacturers, Region – WBOC TV

Benefits of Tree Nuts and Peanuts | About Golden Peanut

Nutrition policy

Peanut allergy affects 2.8 million Americans making it one of the food allergies. It affects 400,000 kids in school and many other people nation wide. Peanuts are healthy when put in foods, it contains plenty of nutrients that our body needs. It contains riboflavin, niacin, thiamin, vitamin B-6, potassium, magnesium as well as many other minerals. People with these allergies are losing out on these important nutrients but researchers are trying to find ways to decline allergies. Peanuts also contain some saturated fat,  and when consumed in excess can lead to heart disease. Peanuts are also high in phosphorus, which can decrease the absorption of zinc and iron.

Allergy Sufferers May Soon be Able to Find a Peanut and Eat it Too |USDA

Peanut Butter: Is It Good for You? Pros and Cons, Nutrition Information, and More (

Marketing policy

On January 20, 2016 AMS eliminated the maximum of foreign peanut materials, updated language standards, and reduced industry cost. The program under AMS producers pay and collect an assessment to farmers. They did research, promotions, and gathered information. The board has 12 producer members for each of the primary states of peanuts. A broker sells the peanuts to the manufacturers in a market. They are usually sold to manufacturers who then makes it into peanuts and they are processed into different things. Over one half of peanuts are produced into peanut butter.

USDA Proposes to Amend Minimum Quality and Handling Standards for Domestic and Imported Peanuts Marketed in the United States | Agricultural Marketing Service

National Peanut Board | Agricultural Marketing Service (

Shanghai Longda Plastic Technology Co., Ltd officialSHANGHAI LONGDA PLASTIC TECHNOLOGY INC. (

Krishna Industries

Farm Bill

On December 11, 2018, the $867 billion reconciled farm bill was passed by the Senate, and the House on December 12,2018.  President Donald Trump signed the bill on December 20, 2018.  The 2018 Farm Bill provides support, certainty, and stability to our nation’s farmers, forest managers and ranchers by enhancing farm support programs, supporting and promoting voluntary conservation, improving crop insurance, and maintaining disaster programs. In the new farm bill they are providing grants of the Richard B. Russel National School to purchase fruits and vegetables. It is critical to maintain a $535 ton reference for congress in the 2018 farm bill. In the new bill there is now a $355 ton marketing loan, payment limit, and storage and handling revisions. All four of these critical provisions are included in the bill. The bill also brought unity amongst the farmers.

Joan Ruskamp (

CRPT-115hrpt1072.pdf (


Trade/Tariff policy

Peanuts rely heavily on protective tariffs with 131.8% shelled peanuts and 163.8% of unshelled peanuts. On November 10, 2020, the European Union put new tariffs on shell peanuts, peanut kernels, and peanut oil. The European Union said they will make peanuts more expensive by 25% for the United States than other origins such as Argentina and Brazil.  The tariff  is against the U.S. over subsidies of Boeing and Airbus, organized by the World Trade Organization. The EU wants to limit the ability of US peanuts and agriculture to compete in the peanut industry. In 2028, President Trump placed taxes on EU steel and aluminum, stating that the foreign products made by American allies were a threat to U.S. national security. This caused a lot of tension and in return the American allies imposed  countertariffs on the U.S.

United States Peanut Federation Addresses EU Tariffs (

Tariff Agreement with EU Reopens Doors for US Agriculture Exports (

Enterprise budget


Peanuts-Virgina-Conventional-Till.pdf (



The enterprise budget shows the unit of each that was used along with the quantity. It shows the price/ acre and the total price per acre for the item that specific item. It also gives prices on herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides that are used on peanuts. The budget shows the fixed costs of the given year and the break even point and yield of peanuts for that season.

What are the overall implications

U.S. Peanuts Fact Sheet – The U.S. Sustainability Alliance (

Peanuts: Nutrition, health benefits, and comparing types (

Peanuts are naturally sustainable.  They are the most water-efficient nut. Their roots replenish  the essential nitrogen in the soil, which is a essential nutrient for plant growth.  Less fertilizer is needed resulting in less greenhouse gas emissions. Peanuts contain healthy fats, mostly monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, protein, fiber, potassium, magnesium, phosphorous, and vitamin B vitamins.  Even though peanuts are high  in calories, they are low in carbohydrates. The National Peanut Board has funded more than $32 million in food allergies research education and outreach to help identify causes and find treatments for those suffering from peanut allergies.