First Year Experience 1

As the end of the 2nd week at Penn State approaches I am starting to reflect on all the new experiences I’ve encountered in college. My first experience was moving into the dorms. For the summer semester I decided to do a random roommate, so I had to meet her for the first time that day. I was pleasantly surprised that we get along pretty well from the first day. 

Being in state many people from my hometown go to Penn State Summer, some of which I knew prior to coming this June. I was able to reach out to them during the first couple of days and hang out. What I didn’t expect is how close I became with them in a matter of just 2 weeks. It’s feels like a breath of fresh air having great guys around me who I already know will be genuine friends of mine. 

Leaving in the Summer was bittersweet for me. I’m glad that I can get a head start as a freshman, but I have to miss the last Summer of high school with my best friends. Many of my friends are starting college in the fall so they are still all together in the Summer. My first weekend I got homesick and the only thing I wanted was to be in my own bed, in my own house, and with all my friends at home. Eventually I got over it after a few phone calls to my parents and friends. 

My birthday is tomorrow! I am so excited because my best friend is coming up as I am writing this. Since my birthday is the Fourth of July I am always out and about doing something fun. Being at State College this year I am excited to be apart of Fourth Fest. Many have told me how it is a sight to see and there is so much to do. 

For the most part my time here has been new and excited. I can’t wait to see where the rest of the Summer will take me and all the new people I will meet. 



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