Staying Healthy in College

Coming into college, everyone fears the freshman fifteen. For some, it is a myth, for others, it is far too real. But for all college students, maintaining health and wellness is important for not only physical health but for mental health. Previous to college, at home and during high school, it was so easy to stay on a routine. School hours were typically 8am-3pm plus extracurriculars or other activities. Homemade meals were easy to obtain. I know that my mom would make me dinner and stock our house with healthy foods. As well, I had more time in my routine to fit in workouts, exercise, and just moving in general.

In college, it is really hard to make time for cooking, exercise, and over mental and physical wellness. At Penn State, there are a lot of really great options in order to stay healthy. Below are 5 ways to make that transition and be healthier.

  1. Ditch the prepared foods


Between busy class schedules and getting involved, it can be hard to have a well-prepared and wholesome meal all the time. And it is okay to slip up and eat that pizza or the prepared meals. At Penn State, as a freshman, it is easy to go the The Market in Findlay or Redifer and stick that prepared meal in the microwave and continue. However, there are so many other options that Penn State provides. The commons offers an amazing salad bar and general buffet that provides well-rounded meals with many nutrients. Next time, put health over convenience.


  1. Healthier Shopping with result in Healthier Eating

With a few staple items, it is easy to make lots of quick and healthy meals. The Market provides lots of healthy options to make foods including fruits, vegetables, condiments, and other staple items. Along with that, food delivery apps such as Instacart are a fast and easy way to get groceries delivered. I use Instacart and it gives me great ways to get all my groceries delivered so I can DIY dorm room meals. Websites like Buzzfeed provide really great recipes for college students.


  1. Get a gym buddy!


Working out can be time consuming and annoying at times, trust me, I know. However, having a partner to encourage you and keep you grounded and focused is a great way to get out of bed and get moving. Having another person can give you motivation to go to the gym as well as push yourself when there. Grab a friend you already know or make one at the gym!

  1. Take advantage of the resources provided

Penn State provides many resources to be aware and stay aware of your health. Health services provides nutritional advisers for people with allergies and also people wanting to improve their diets. Along with nutritional advisers, Penn State gyms provide workout classes for students free of charge. I know a lot people who participate in classes at the IM Building, such as Zumba and kickboxing, as well as interval training and other cardio classes. Personally, kickboxing and Zumba are my favorite because they are a really fun way to work out but also enjoy it.

  1. Mental awareness and maintaining mental health


A big part of staying physically healthy and fit is upholding and being aware of your own mental health. Penn State provides CAPS, Counseling and Psychological Services, to students to help them through the transition of college and through any mental health problems they face. This is a great way to stay on top of your mental health.

1 comment on “Staying Healthy in CollegeAdd yours →

  1. I totally agree that it’s hard to maintain a healthy lifestyle in college. While I do play a sport (which keep me really active), eating healthy can always be a struggle when pumpkin bread and bagels are warm and ready every morning in the commons. I think it’s really just about finding your own balance. Allowing yourself to indulge every-so-often is way healthier than restricting things for good (I’m pretty sure you mentioned this in your post). Anyways, I definitely have to try a little harder at practicing what I preach. Great post!

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