The Lecturer Advisory Committee (LAC) has arranged to offer a professional development workshop later this semester with our English Department consultant in the Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence (SITE):
Workshop: “Successful Student Engagement Techniques” (90 minutes)–Discover and practice proven Student Engagement Techniques (SETs) grounded in active and collaborative learning techniques that address multiple learning styles. Participants will leave this workshop with ready-to-use classroom activities and assignments for immediate use in their classrooms.
Date: Wednesday, Nov. 8, 2:00 – 3:30 p.m.
Location: Grucci Room, 102 Burrowes Building
Led by: Mary Ann Tobin, PhD
Assistant Research Professor & Instructional Consultant
Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence
While no time slot is convenient for every faculty member, we hope many of you will be available and interested in joining us for this professional development opportunity.
If you know you’ll attend, please sign up on the Google Drive chart provided for this purpose.
–Alison Jaenicke, on behalf of the entire LAC (Jan Babcock, Heather Holleman, Paul Kellermann, and Rachael Wiley)
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