SPRING GENERAL MEETING February 2nd 4:30pm

The Spring General Meeting will be held February 2nd in Sackett 327 and on zoom beginning at 4:30pm and followed by a water cooler discussion at 5pm. The zoom link will be sent in the email list.

The PAWS spring general meeting will be held February 2nd in Sackett 327 and on zoom beginning at 4:30pm and followed by a water cooler discussion at 5pm.
The zoom link will be sent in the email list. If you are not a member of our email list please send an email to psuwaterstudentgroup@gmail.com.

During the spring general meeting we will discuss upcoming PAWS events, fieldtrips, volunteering opportunities, and ways to share your research! We will also discuss elections for the fall and change some roles for the spring.

This is your opportunity to see what is coming and to share your ideas on what you would like to see!


Save the Date: PAWS to Co-Host 2023 Penn State Water Conference March 23-24

In conjunction with the Penn State Water council PAWS will be hosting the first ever Penn State Water Conference. This conference seeks to highlight the interdisciplinary water research taking place at all Penn State campuses. Students, post-docs, and faculty are invited to participate in the presentations, poster sessions, and breakout discussions scheduled.

More information as it becomes available can be found here: 2023 Penn State Water Conference

Inaugural Water Cooler Series: Collaboration in Water

Water Cooler Series Poster for December 2022 featuring Erin Trouba and Andrew Warner

This month Andrew Warner the director of the Penn State Water Consortium and Erin Trouba a Graduate Student in Rural Sociology and a Student Member of the Penn State Water Council kicked off our new water cooler series with a discussion on collaborations in water. Andys talk was titled “Strengthening Water Community for Collaborative Research at Penn State.” Erins talk was titled “CAPing Stakeholder Engagement in PA Water Quality Country-wide Action Plans (CAPs).”

Feel free to reach out to both for more information on their talks.

A list of past and future water cooler discussions can be found here: https://sites.psu.edu/pennstatewater/news/water-cooler-series/


PAWS To Host Monthly Water Cooler Series

In an initiative to bridge research at Penn State and build networks between water scholars from different departments PAWS will host monthly “water cooler” discussions to the first Thursday of every month (unless otherwise noted) in Sackett 327 from 5-6PM. These are informal discussions highlighting a new area of water scholarship each month.

See the list of past and upcoming talks here: https://sites.psu.edu/pennstatewater/news/water-cooler-series/ 

If you have questions or you would like to give a talk please contact Praharsh Patel at praharsh@psu.edu

General Poster for Water Cooler Series. Displays characters standing around a water cooler with chat bubbles above their heads. The information on the poster is the same as below.