2023 Penn State Water Conference


The Penn State Association of Water Students, in collaboration with the Penn State Water Council, will host our inaugural Penn State Water Conference on March 23rd-24th, 2023. This interdisciplinary conference will be held in person (with possible hybrid attendance pending feasibility) and is open to all graduate, undergraduate, and post-doc at Penn State, as well as the public.

Penn State has a long and rich history of engaging, innovative, and impactful water and water-related research. The event will provide a platform for students, researchers, faculties, and extension workers to share their experiences, discuss challenges, and suggest solutions. In addition, the event will provide support for the following water and University-wide research priorities and supporting initiatives:

• Protecting Public Health and the Environment
• Advancing Resilient Communities on a Dynamic Earth
• Driving Innovation and Technology
• Guiding Social Action, Policy, and Corporate Transformation
• Transforming Water Education and Student Opportunities
• Engaging People, Communities, and Partner Institutions

This conference offers a crucial opportunity for students to present their research, gain feedback from other scholars, and engage with innovative new research in water and water-related studies.

Click here to register for the event! 

Itinerary Coming in Early March!