Throughout my life I have been corrected numerous times when stating the color of an object or material. Shades of purple and blue can get mixed up as well as shades of green and red. I am often corrected by my fiancé when picking out new clothing at a store, and there are even times when I have to ask her, “What color is this?” Although it can be frustrating at times admitting that I am wrong and my fiancé is right, this form of colorblindness has not affected me too much in my daily life. Maybe this colorblindness is a reason as to why I often chose neon colors as my favorite because they are the easiest for me to identify?
Unfortunately for my younger sister, this problem has become much more of an obstacle. During this class we have learned that red/green colorblindness can be hereditary and this has proved to be true for her as well. She is in her sophomore year at The United States Air Force Academy and recently found out she is red/green colorblind just like I am. However, she suffered immediate consequences regarding her future in the military. This colorblindness meant that she will never be allowed to pilot an airplane like she had once hoped. Many of the indicator lights in an airplane are small dots of red and green next to each other, so the slightest hesitation in determining them could prove deadly. Although I know this seemed like a huge setback for her at first, I believe she is handling it quite well. As a result of not being able to fly a plane, she has learned to fly her body, and has become an avid skydiver over the last year. She even is planning on helping me earn my skydiving license this summer.
This red/green colorblindness is a result of genetics. When light enters the eye is hits the rods and cones in the retina. The cones are responsible for color vision and contain photo pigments that respond to the amount of light that is hitting them. There are three types of cones in the eye that allow a person to see color when they send signals to the brain together. However, if any of the cones are deficient, then a person will not be able to see a full spectrum of color. My sister and I have most likely both inherited this from our parents due to a bad X chromosome. The difference is that I inherited this from only my mother because as a male I only have one X chromosome. My sister however, has received deficient X chromosomes from both my mother and father because she has two X chromosomes and still is red/green colorblind.
There are many tests to determine if a person is colorblind and the most popular is a dot test. These tests are often available for free online and can help a person gain some insight into their ability to see color. The following website has a free colorblind test for those readers who are interested.
I find if very interesting that your sister has colorblindness like you granted the odds are so low for female colorblindness. If you’re interested enough it would be fascinating to trace the inheritance of colorblindness back on both your parent’s family sides, but that may just be me being a bit of a genetics geek. However, your anecdote about how your sisters was denied her pilots spot in the US Airforce due to her colorblindness got me thinking about what other jobs regulate employee’s visual acuity. Similar to your sister, in a 2001 New York Times article entitled “When Colorblindness Cramps Careers” it seems that for most employees screened their results come as a total shock (1). This can be attributed to how color is a product of the mind. For many of those mentioned in the article they had developed coping mechanisms that prevented them from ever realizing their colorblindness. As addressed in the article this begs the question as to whether colorblindness is a fair assessment of an employee’s ability to perform.
(1) Mohn, T. (2001, May 23). When Colorblindness Cramps Careers. The New York Times. Retrieved from