Monthly Archives: March 2014

Fun with the colorblind

Growing up as the youngest, and only daughter in my family, it was common for my two older brothers to find ways in which to torment me, as any typical siblings do. However, when I was 10 I figured out a way to get back at one of them. My middle brother is completely red-green colorblind. I knew this about him for my entire life, but for some reason when I was around that age, I became interested in understanding what that actually meant. After asking my parents for details on the limits of my brothers color vision, and getting the very simplistic response of “he can’t see any difference between the colors red and green,” I came up with a genius plan to mess with him. I decided to write messages to my oldest brother in green colored pencil very lightly on red construction paper. As we passed the sheet of notes back and forth, my middle brother tried his hardest to make out what we were saying, but just couldn’t differentiate between the two colors, growing more and more frustrated even after figuring out what we were up to. Eventually he had no choice but to give up trying to understand our essentially coded conversation, and I dropped the charade with the satisfying feeling of a job well done.

Because my brother is red-green colorblind, I know that the photoreceptors in his retina responsible for color vision –his cones– do not function properly. This means that the necessary signals that need to be transmitted for the eye to perceive those colors either send corrupted signals, or don’t send any signals at all. In order for someone to be able to perceive all colors, it is pertinent that they possess functioning red, blue, and green cones in their eyes. Though the other photoreceptors are important –the rods– they are not responsible for color perception, and are relatively insensitive to wavelengths. This means that my brother may have perfectly functioning rods, and the issue with his red and green cones is completely independent from the rest of the functions of the photoreceptors in his eyes.

Aside from this little episode, my brothers colorblindness has never significantly negatively effected his life, and it shouldn’t hold him back from accomplishing anything that he hopes to accomplish.

Global Superiority

I was looking for things outside to write this blog on when I realized I had a picture on my wall that was perfect for this project.  First I want to go into a little bit of the rule that this picture goes with.  The global superiority effect causes us to see the whole object that a picture is portraying rather than the small parts of it that make it up.  The properties of the whole object take precedence over the properties of parts of the object.  This is also referred to as the con figural superiority effect which says that for any complex visual stimuli such as faces, they are easier to be recognized than the individual parts presented in isolation. How far away you are from the object has a lot to do with the way that you perceive it.  One example we saw of this was the picture of Marilyn Monroe, but if you were up close it looked like another person.  The picture that I have on my wall is a photo mosaic of Bob Marley.  The picture is made up of thousands of tiny pictures of different events that happened over his life in order to make up the whole picture which is a poster of his face.  If you are standing right against the picture you can see all of the tiny little pictures and have no idea that it actually makes a big picture out of all of them.  If you stand back you can’t really even tell that there are thousands of tiny pictures, but it just looks like a photo of Bob Marley.  You can find examples of these on google images, but I couldn’t really see the smaller pictures inside of the big picture on the computer screen.

The Demons of the Pandemonium Model

Over spring break I experienced an example of the Pandemonium model. Before describing the experience first I want to address what exactly the Pandemonium model is. The Pandemonium model is part of how humans group what they see into pictures and meaningful objects based on perception. While some aspects of grouping help humans to distinguish one object from another, others confuse the brain. The Pandemonium model consists of demons that represent certain neurons. Of those demons they express three different aspects of perception. Some of the demons are feature demons which build off of one another to form letters. For example one demon may code for the leg of the letter “A” which also might code perfectly for half of the letter “X.” Next there are cognitive demons which encode for certain letters after the feature demons have built one. And finally decision demons are what our brain actually sees based on the decision of the neurons or all the demons as a whole. The reason why this model is important is because humans can be fooled by their own perception. And in the case of the pandemonium model the way certain letters are coded in the brain based on their feature demons will activate the wrong decision demon. Therefore, humans are seeing an illusion because of the similarity of feature demons. This being said, over spring break as I was sitting at dinner with my friend’s parents when his mother began talking about her eyesight and how she was unable to see across the room. She then asked us if we could look across the room at the television and see what was written on the screen. At the time we were using the television to watch the music channel so there were words posted on the screen instead of a series of moving images. And as we looked across the room certain people were unable to read the words on the screen. At that moment the song title was “Home is where the heart is.” I then began to explain to his mother why she might not be able to read some of the letters from far away. For example the letter “E” has feature demons that could easily code for another letter. The letter “C” in fact, has all the same aspects of the letter “E.” This could easily explain why some of us who were looking at the same image were unable to read it. The people who could read the words were able to see and make the right decision demon activate. Thus the Pandemonium model is accessible in real life and can affect the way certain people perceive certain objects.

Dark adaptation

Dark adaptation occurs initially within the cones by convergence and loss of inhibition. However, the lower bound of sensitivity is still set by cones. As time goes on, the cone sensitivity increases, the threshold falls, but then levels off. The rods will also begin to adapt, and then increase sensitivity as the time proceeds. Photopic vision occurs when there is a higher light level, like daytime. It is has cone photoreceptors, low light sensitivity and very high acuity and color vision. In the other hand, scotopic vision occurs at nighttime with very low light levels. It has very high light sensitivity, poor acuity, no color vision but exhibits the use of rod photoreceptors. When shifting from photopic vision to scotopic vision, or vice versa, we need certain amount of time to adapt. I’ve always enjoyed going to the theater for movies. And I’ve discovered that if I see a movie during the day, it will take me longer to adapt  than seeing a movie at night because during the day when there is higher light level, our visual system operates in photopic mode which is opposite for the scotopic vision when inside the cinema. However, the rate of adaptation also can depend on the length of the movies, how long my eyes have been exposed to the brighter light in the darkness.

We Don’t Know What We Want

Or we don’t know how much we want.  When dealing with how much light we need to do certain tasks, we usually have no idea how much light we actually need.  This is a major issue in the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES).  They are responsible for creating guidelines in how much light we need for each and every task imaginable; everything from parking your car, to eating in café.

About 50 years ago, when energy was cheap, we thought the more the better.  By blasting lots of light everywhere, we were guaranteed enough light to see what we were doing.  Not only are there numerous aesthetic issues with this, but there are obvious energy issues as well.  This has changed throughout the years and the IES now recommends tailored light levels for each task.  Energy was the main driving force behind this change in thinking.

But in order to convince the general public and the skeptics out there, the IES and lighting designers relied on sensation and perception basics to back up their lower light levels.  In particular they relied on Stevens’ Power Law (P=KSn).  When n < 1, the doubling of physical intensity results in less than a doubling of perceived magnitude.  So when blasting light everywhere and achieving a high light level, you were also creating a high perceived magnitude.  But by just reducing the light level by half, you lessened the perceived magnitude, but by less than half.  So just by getting a little bit more specific with your light levels and lowering them overall, you can actually achieve close to perceived magnitude light levels.  Therefore, they argued, blasting light everywhere is not an efficient use of the human eye’s perception.  A lower tailored level of light with each task attempts to be the most efficient use of energy as well as our visual perception of magnitude.  

DarknessThe photo above is an example of seeing brightness in darkness.  We perceive the lamp as very bright, even though the light level is very low.  This is an efficient use of our eye’s visual perception.


The Day a Candle Became My Worst Enemy


One night in the fifth grade I remember running into my mothers room to tell her about an assignment I did well on. She had come back from a 12-hour shift at the hospital and she was excited to see my brothers and I. When I finished telling her about my grade I noticed she was tired so I asked if I could blow out her candles, which she always lit every night. My mother is a very cautious person, especially with dealing with trauma and emergency patients at her hospital, so blowing out a candle or going anywhere near fire at a young age was a big deal in her eyes. Reluctantly she said yes and I was so excited, seeing as I was the baby and small for my age I never really got to do much on my own.

As I went to blow out the candle I remember vividly my mom saying, “don’t give me a reason to go back to the hospital”, and then I blew. Needless to say I blew too hard and the wick from the candle blew back into my eye causing me to have a corneal abrasion. Obviously my mother spoke to soon, and jumped up as she saw me cradling my eye. Rushing back to the hospital I was vaguely aware of what was going on. My mother took care of me patched me and was overly attentive. The rest of that night is still hard to remember.

However, a few days later I do remember being sensitive to light, had some blurred vision and some of the things I viewed with my right eye were distorted. From my perceptions class I realized that my visual activity was distorted a little. My retinal ganglion cells in response to spatial frequency weren’t cohesive. Because of the damage and my cornea repairing itself, my vision acuity was off. Shapes and objects were off in my vision if they were too far away because the edge of an object produces single stripes and can be blurred but shadows in a retinal image. The visual system breaks down images into different parts and this caused for my eye to not be able to focus well until it was healed. After a week or so my vision was back to normal and my ophthalmologist said my eyesight was back to normal and my astigmatism wasn’t as sever any more. Even though this story is embarrassing and at the age of 21 my mom still wont let me blow out a candle, its nice to know what happened with my vision all those years ago and that my vision did improve if only slightly.


Proximity and Mind Map


I am a huge fan of Mind Mapping. I always start with drawing a Mind Map when I am preparing for exams, brainstorming for assignments, and when if there are too much going on in my head. The way Mind Mapping works is that in a Mind Map, information is structured in as way that mirrors exactly how the brain functions – in a radiant rather than linear manner (Buzan, 1993). A Mind Map helps to categorize informations that are related to each other and also maps out your thoughts, using associations, connections and triggers to stimulate further ideas. They extract your ideas from your head into something visible and structured. Research shows that the brain likes to work on the basis of association and it will connect every idea, memory or piece of information to tens, hundreds and even thousands of other ideas and concepts (Anokin, 1973).

After I learned about the Gestalt grouping rules, I realized that there is a connection between Mind Mapping and Gestalt grouping, especially with the principle of proximity. According to Wolfe (2012), the principle of Proximity is a Gestalt concept that refers to the visual tendency to group shapes together if they are close to each other and which makes us to perceive those groups as single units. The principal of Proximity is related with Mind Mapping in the way that they are categorizing. In the Mind Map, major categories radiate from a central node, and lesser categories are sub-branches of larger branches. By viewing a whole picture of Mind Map, we perceive the keywords first, which are either highlighted or written relatively bigger than subcategories and can assume that related key points and contents are grouped together under each the keyword bubble. This perception process is working under the process of proximity. Because process of proximity works naturally in our brain, we can create the Mind Map which is the most effective tool in many fields.



Anokhin P.K. (1973). ‘The forming of natural and artificial intelligence’.Impact of Science in Society, Vol. XXIII 3.

Wolfe, J. M. (2012). Sensation & perception (3rd ed.). Sunderland, Mass.: Sinauer


Buzan, T. (1993). The mind map book. London: BBC Books.


“What Color is This?”

Throughout my life I have been corrected numerous times when stating the color of an object or material. Shades of purple and blue can get mixed up as well as shades of green and red. I am often corrected by my fiancé when picking out new clothing at a store, and there are even times when I have to ask her, “What color is this?” Although it can be frustrating at times admitting that I am wrong and my fiancé is right, this form of colorblindness has not affected me too much in my daily life. Maybe this colorblindness is a reason as to why I often chose neon colors as my favorite because they are the easiest for me to identify?

Unfortunately for my younger sister, this problem has become much more of an obstacle. During this class we have learned that red/green colorblindness can be hereditary and this has proved to be true for her as well. She is in her sophomore year at The United States Air Force Academy and recently found out she is red/green colorblind just like I am. However, she suffered immediate consequences regarding her future in the military. This colorblindness meant that she will never be allowed to pilot an airplane like she had once hoped. Many of the indicator lights in an airplane are small dots of red and green next to each other, so the slightest hesitation in determining them could prove deadly. Although I know this seemed like a huge setback for her at first, I believe she is handling it quite well. As a result of not being able to fly a plane, she has learned to fly her body, and has become an avid skydiver over the last year. She even is planning on helping me earn my skydiving license this summer.

This red/green colorblindness is a result of genetics. When light enters the eye is hits the rods and cones in the retina. The cones are responsible for color vision and contain photo pigments that respond to the amount of light that is hitting them. There are three types of cones in the eye that allow a person to see color when they send signals to the brain together. However, if any of the cones are deficient, then a person will not be able to see a full spectrum of color. My sister and I have most likely both inherited this from our parents due to a bad X chromosome. The difference is that I inherited this from only my mother because as a male I only have one X chromosome. My sister however, has received deficient X chromosomes from both my mother and father because she has two X chromosomes and still is red/green colorblind.

There are many tests to determine if a person is colorblind and the most popular is a dot test. These tests are often available for free online and can help a person gain some insight into their ability to see color. The following website has a free colorblind test for those readers who are interested.