Depth Cue picture

I have a picture in my room that I never really thought to much about until this post.  It has almost all of the depth cues which we learned about in class in the picture.  The picture is of my brother and I standing outside of my house that was drawn by an artist.  The first cue that I noticed was occlusion.  The house was obviously behind my brother and I because you could see our whole bodies, but not the whole house.  Part of the house is blocked by us and also trees that are between us and the house.  The next cue I noticed when looking at the picture was linear depth cue.  You could see the river behind the house meeting with the horizon and all the rest of the picture kind of going to one spot where it looks to all vanish.  The third depth cue I saw in the picture was atmosphere perspective.  You could see that the sun which was closer to the horizon looked much farther away than the house or my brother and I.  The clouds were higher up in the sky making them look closer.  Under the horizon you can see the river which is very close to it and the water looks like it is going very far out while the trees which are drawn lower in the picture seem to almost stick out more.  Other obvious depth cues that were in the picture were familiar size.  You know how big a person is compared to a house or even compared to the river.  We looked bigger because it was the main part of the picture making the house and river behind us look much smaller.  You can find these depth cues in almost all of the pictures you will see in your life.

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