Author Archives: Yang Liu

Accidental view point

When I was watching TV, there was a replay of an old episode of family guy. When I watched this, I noticed there was an exaggeration of the accidental view point, shown in below. Quagmire was trying to hit on a hot girl when viewing from the back, but once she turned around. It looks like entirely different from he thought. But once she turned back again, she looks hot and slim again. This is an exaggeration of the accidental view point, and won’t make sense and exist at all. But it is really fun, especially when we know what is going on.

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But taking advantage of the accidental viewpoint, the artists have created enormous amount of amazing painting, especially the pavement painting. In class, we talked about the depth perception in pavement painting, but i believe that the accidental view point is the essence of this particular art. If you google it, there are a lot of art work.

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The paintings look fantastic, but i believe it took a long time for the artist to find the accidental view point and design the painting. I am very grateful for the ideas and amazing perception we can get. Also, it is very interesting to find out the concept about accidental viewpoint, which we learned in the class.


Dark adaptation

Last Friday, I had a real experience about the dark adaptation. I was doing a experiment called immunoblotting, which resembles the old fashion photo washing and fixation. I had to conduct this procedure in a dark room with a really, really dim light. First, I turned off the fluorescent light and turn on the dim light. I was blind then. I have to move the objects towards the dim light on the celling in order to figure out what it was. I blindly got the photosensitive film out and make it against my experiment object which had fluorescent can not be detected by human eyes. I had a timer and timed it for 5 minutes. During that time, I still could not see anything and  I had to move timer in order to see the number. Then after 5 minutes, I put the film in the machine to wash. When I turned around, I noticed something. Now I could see almost anything clearly. The estimated time was about 6 minutes. Then I remembered that pigment regeneration time for cones was about 6 minutes, maybe cones were responsible for the first 6 minutes in dark. Then I continued the experiment for 10 minutes. After that, everything was very clear. I think that after that, rod photopigments were regenerate about 20 minutes and kicked in help me fully adapted in dark.

That is my personal experience about dark adaptation.