Category Archives: Receptive Fields


The topic of saccades really interests me because it is something I am constantly doing without necessarily noticing. Saccades are eye movements that can be both voluntary and involuntary, where the eyes rapidly change fixation from one object to another. This is the eyes ways of scanning the visual field. When reading, we make saccades to help bring the text into our fovea.If the print was not in our fixation, visual crowding would occur.  It is crazy to me that our eyes are doing saccades for about a quarter of a second and about seven to nine letter spaces, and yet we don’t notice anything going on in our eyes. When we read, it all feels so natural, but our eyes are in fact making constant movements. While information processing doesn’t occur during the saccades, it actually occurs during the fixations. I think it is really fascinating how the processing through our eyes occurs so fast that if a word only remained on a screen for fifty milliseconds after fixation first takes place, reading would be normal.  Saccades are also used when viewing any scene, and our place of fixation is not random. When looking at figure 8.17 in the textbook, of the little girl, I noticed that my eyes focused more on the areas of her eyes, and nose. This makes sense for most people, because we focus on more interesting places in an image. Our eyes respond more to contours as opposed to featureless parts.  When looking at images, our mind just tells our eyes to do certain things, move certain ways, and look at certain parts. All of our eye movements, especially saccades, are important in helping us view our world in every day life.


Wolfe, Jeremy M..Sensation & perception. Sunderland, Mass.: Sinauer Associates, 2006. Print


The Day a Candle Became My Worst Enemy


One night in the fifth grade I remember running into my mothers room to tell her about an assignment I did well on. She had come back from a 12-hour shift at the hospital and she was excited to see my brothers and I. When I finished telling her about my grade I noticed she was tired so I asked if I could blow out her candles, which she always lit every night. My mother is a very cautious person, especially with dealing with trauma and emergency patients at her hospital, so blowing out a candle or going anywhere near fire at a young age was a big deal in her eyes. Reluctantly she said yes and I was so excited, seeing as I was the baby and small for my age I never really got to do much on my own.

As I went to blow out the candle I remember vividly my mom saying, “don’t give me a reason to go back to the hospital”, and then I blew. Needless to say I blew too hard and the wick from the candle blew back into my eye causing me to have a corneal abrasion. Obviously my mother spoke to soon, and jumped up as she saw me cradling my eye. Rushing back to the hospital I was vaguely aware of what was going on. My mother took care of me patched me and was overly attentive. The rest of that night is still hard to remember.

However, a few days later I do remember being sensitive to light, had some blurred vision and some of the things I viewed with my right eye were distorted. From my perceptions class I realized that my visual activity was distorted a little. My retinal ganglion cells in response to spatial frequency weren’t cohesive. Because of the damage and my cornea repairing itself, my vision acuity was off. Shapes and objects were off in my vision if they were too far away because the edge of an object produces single stripes and can be blurred but shadows in a retinal image. The visual system breaks down images into different parts and this caused for my eye to not be able to focus well until it was healed. After a week or so my vision was back to normal and my ophthalmologist said my eyesight was back to normal and my astigmatism wasn’t as sever any more. Even though this story is embarrassing and at the age of 21 my mom still wont let me blow out a candle, its nice to know what happened with my vision all those years ago and that my vision did improve if only slightly.


Dark and Light Adaptation

This spring break I travelled to Tucson, Arizona to visit some family. Tucson does not have very many clouds and most days have a clear sky and lots of sunshine. Since the sun is always shining your eyes get accustomed to the brightly lit environment for the length of the day. But while I was there we visited the nearby Kartchner Caverns. So when I went to the caverns and entered the dark, barely lit caves I couldn’t see a thing and my vision took a few minutes to adjust. After about three minutes my eyes were finally able to adjust and I could start to see some of the caves details. But it was a slow process and I felt impatient that I couldn’t adjust to the darker environment quickly. After touring the caves we exited back out into brightly lit desert and once again I was blinded in my new environment but this time my eyes were able to adjust and adapt much quicker than before. I was able to get a strong sense of my surroundings and was able to see clearly again within a minute.

The reason that our eyes adjust to light and dark at different rates is based on the properties of the rods and cones within our retina. Rods are very sensitive to light so when we are in dimly lit and dark areas we rely more on our rods to see, while cones on the other hand are less sensitive to light and are more dominant in well lit areas. Cones and rods also differ in their ability to regenerate, which comes into play in this scenario. Cones are able to adjust quickly as the pigment within them regenerates every six minutes, but rods are much slower. It takes their pigment about a half hour to regenerate. This difference in regeneration speed is crucial to difference between light and dark adaptation.  Since we use rods in dark places, it takes longer for our eyes to adjust to those places because the pigment takes so long to regenerate in our rods. But when going back out into a well-lit area, then our cones take over and we can adjust quickly to it’s the rapid regeneration of pigment that goes on within our cones.

So when I first entered the dark caverns from the bright desert environment my eyes had to adjust from light to dark which meant a transition from cones to rods. These rods took a while to adapt and adjust which is why I had difficulty seeing clearly for a few minutes. But once the rods within my retina were able to adjust then I had no problem seeing. And as I left the caverns and went back out into the sunlight my eyes had to once again adjust and switch back to the cones being dominant. Since the cones adjust much quicker I was able to see fine relatively quickly.

Vision issues

Vision problems are not an uncommon issue in people all around you.  Nearly everywhere you look you can see people wearing glasses, and many people around us are wearing contact lenses to correct their vision problem.  A trend that is gaining increased popularity lately is Lasik eye surgery.  This surgery corrects the vision problem and can eliminate people’s need for glasses or contacts.  Both my mom and brother have had a history of vision problems.  My mother underwent the corrective surgery and now has no need for glasses, but my brother’s issues are so extreme that the surgery cannot be performed on him, so he is still using contact lenses.

I have always been curious as to why some people have issues with near vision, or far vision.  With what I have learned through my psychology class that focuses on perception, these issues come from a result of the length of the eyeball.  My mother and brother both have issues with hyperopia.  Hyperopia is another name for the condition many people know as farsightedness.  With this issue people can see distant object clearly, but struggle focusing on objects that are close to them.  This occurs due to the eyeball being too short.  The close object is focused behind the retina.  The retina is a very important part of the eye that is used for receiving light that comes through the eye’s lens.  This then focuses the light and relays it to the brain to form the visual picture.  Due to the eyeball being too short, the focus point of the close object is behind the retina, causing it to be blurred.  Many people also struggle with myopia, nearsightedness. People with this condition can clearly see objects that are close to them, but have issues seeing objects that are in the distance. Myopia occurs when the eyeball is too long.  The focus point of the light of the distant object is in front of the retina.

Glasses or contacts can be used to change the focus point of these objects as they reach the inner eyeball.  In order to process the light clearly the focus point must be at the retina.  These issues will never fully disappear, but with the progression of science and technology this issues may be much easier to overcome.

Doubting Your Eyes-Cassidy Slade

For my first blog post, I was having a hard time thinking of a personal experience which related to something we learned in class, so I decided to look online for articles regarding a topic that really stuck out as interesting to me so far in the semester. I was really struck by our lecture where we learned about brightness and contrast and how the response of edges are influenced by the light surrounding the edges, so pretty much the intensity of an object depends on the surroundings of that object, along with the Hermann Grid and Cornsweet Illusion (lecture 5.) It was really cool to me how a box of the same color surrounded by a lighter contrast appeared darker then that same colored box surrounded by a darker contrast.

The article I found was written by a man named Phil Plait, who goes into great detail of how optical illusions can have you doubting your eyes and what you are really seeing. At the beginning of the article there is an image of two “lozenges” which are pretty much three-dimensional squares that appear to be different shades set on top of each other. The one on top appears quite a bit darker then the one on the bottom, but if you put your finger up blocking where the two squares meet, they appear to be the same shade. We learned about this phenomenon when talking about the Hermann grid. With the Hermann grid, each rectangular box gets a little bit brighter and then starts getting darker and finally goes back to the original shade, yet the different shades get averaged across the entire grid to make it look like they’re shading from lighter to darker. (See Image Below)


This article directly relates to our class because it is an exact example of the Craik O’Brien-Cornsweet effect, which we also learned about during lecture 5. The Cornsweet effect is when one side of an image appears to be darker then the opposite side of that image, even though both sides of that image are the same shade of grey. Pretty much, with the Cornsweet effect and this article, our brain sees the upper square as being darker then the bottom square, with that being said, along with the different levels of contrasting shades between the two squares, our brain perceives them as different shades.

Throughout this class, I have learned time and time again that the brain has a funny way of playing tricks on us, and this is an exact example of how our brain can play tricks on us.


Plait, Phil. “An Optical Illusion You Will Swear Is Fake. It Isn’t.” Slate Magazine. N.p.,n.d. Web. 15 Mar. 2014 <>.

A Flash-Bang Phenomenon

Waking up in the morning, for many, involves turning on a light after turning off an alarm.  Although some people learn to navigate their way to the shower in the dark, most of us have to deal with a dramatic change in luminance, opening our eyes and immediately being overwhelmed by light.  Whether this occurs because your parents are trying to get you up and moving, or because you want to see what you are doing in the bathroom, similar biological processes seem to be at work.  Throughout the night while we sleep, most of us with our eyelids sealed shut, we adapt to a world of darkness.  When experiencing such a sudden and drastic change in luminance – as when someone shines a flashlight in your eyes, you begin to see blobs of undefined figures circling around in your receptive field.  When this happens to me, I usually see what I would compare to a slightly transparent blue ameba – regardless my vision becomes impaired to the extent that it is much harder to make out what is directly in front of me.  I do not know exactly why this happens, but I believe it is primarily due to the bleaching of photopigments.

Retinal ganglion cells respond to changes in light, not the overall amount of light covering their receptive field – the change from dark to light is what causes visual impairment in the prior situations, not how bright either light source is.  Whenever someone shines a light in your eye, a lot of photopigments are used up because they are trying to adapt to the change in luminance. This leaves fewer pigments available to process whatever other information is in one’s environment.  Furthermore, I believe the more of one’s visual field encompassed by a sudden spurt of light, the more neurons fire, because light is coming at them from many more orientations/angles than if such a change occurred farther away.  The more cells that fire, the more information striate cortex neurons have to filter out.  Perhaps when there is too much information to process efficiently, this filtering sequence is slowed and disrupts the feed forward process.  If so, would one’s mind start to group objects/stimuli that it normally would not combine?  In essence, the more depleted photopigments, the more acuity is impaired, and the less detail an individual can make out.

Although cone photoreceptors regenerate more quickly than rods, they are also exhausted at a faster rate.  Since such an abundance of cones are used up when one perceives a drastic change in luminance, (I think) the whole visual processing system falls into a chain reaction of information overload.  The parvocellular pathway, dealing with details of stationary objects, simply tries to pass on too much information.  Because there are now less photopigments available to process the current environment, and the filtering process in the striate cortex is busy with information it has just received, middle vision processes start to receive jumbled information.  My guess is that this leads us to perceive similarities and differences from stimuli in our environment when such relationships do not exist.  Furthermore, the feed forward process allows our brain to draw conclusions about what it perceives without needing a later processing sequence to communicate with earlier processing events, which I believe can lead to uncontrollable perceptual errors. In other words, an error that causes us to see bright blue blobs where they don’t exist.  Perhaps law enforcement personnel use flash-bang grenades for the same reason; they have found a practical use for our visual system’s sensitivity to abrupt changes in luminance.