I have a picture in my room that I never really thought to much about until this post. It has almost all of the depth cues which we learned about in class in the picture. The picture is of my brother and I standing outside of my house that was drawn by an artist. The first cue that I noticed was occlusion. The house was obviously behind my brother and I because you could see our whole bodies, but not the whole house. Part of the house is blocked by us and also trees that are between us and the house. The next cue I noticed when looking at the picture was linear depth cue. You could see the river behind the house meeting with the horizon and all the rest of the picture kind of going to one spot where it looks to all vanish. The third depth cue I saw in the picture was atmosphere perspective. You could see that the sun which was closer to the horizon looked much farther away than the house or my brother and I. The clouds were higher up in the sky making them look closer. Under the horizon you can see the river which is very close to it and the water looks like it is going very far out while the trees which are drawn lower in the picture seem to almost stick out more. Other obvious depth cues that were in the picture were familiar size. You know how big a person is compared to a house or even compared to the river. We looked bigger because it was the main part of the picture making the house and river behind us look much smaller. You can find these depth cues in almost all of the pictures you will see in your life.
Abbey Road Depth Cues
Monocular depth cues are cues to depth, or to three-dimensional space, which only require the function of one eye. There are nine monocular depth cues: occlusion, relative size, relative height, texture gradient, familiar size, linear perspective, aerial perspective, shading, and motion parallax. Each of these cues provides some indication of the depth of objects in our visual field.
The following image of my favorite band, The Beatles, clearly has depth. However, we’re not standing on Abbey Road seeing the scene take place, we’re just looking at an image, so how do we know that there is depth?: Depth cues!
This image arguably utilizes eight of the nine monocular depth cues listed above and I’ll explain how.
Occlusion, the idea that an object that blocks the view of another object must be in front, is evident in the image. One obvious example is when looking at the trees and buildings on the right side of the image. We know that the trees are in front of the buildings because there is a portion of the buildings that we can’t see; that is blocked by the trees.
Relative size, the idea that smaller objects are further away without knowing the actual size of the objects, is also evident in the picture. For example, we can see several trees in the picture. Not all trees are the same size, but all of the trees in the image appear much smaller than the large tree in the upper left so we can conclude that the other trees are progressively further away.
Relative height is a depth cue clearly evident in the picture as well. For relative height, objects that appear closer to the horizon line are perceived as being further away and objects that appear further from the horizon line appear closer. For example, The Beatles are far from the horizon line and appear much closer to the observer than some of the smaller-looking cars that are just below the horizon line.
Texture gradient can arguably be considered a depth cue utilized in the Abbey Road picture. If you look at the road at the bottom of the picture, you can see the rough texture that the road has. Now, if you look at the road in the middle of the picture, near the horizon line, the road’s texture is less obvious. This is because as a texture gets further away, it forms smaller visual angles, or pictures, on the retina, and is less noticeable.
Familiar size, the idea that knowledge of the normal size of certain objects can provide cues to depth, is also evident. For example, we are familiar with the size of people. In the picture, there is a man standing on the sidewalk beside the black/blue car on the right. We know that this man is roughly the same size as the members of The Beatles because we have experience with the size of people. Our knowledge of the size of people clues us in to the fact that the smaller-looking man is probably just further away from the band members and not actually a miniature person.
Linear perspective, the idea that parallel lines seem to converge as they move into the distance to an apparent point called the vanishing point, is clear in the image. This cue can be seen when looking at the way the edges of the road converge in the distance. We know the road isn’t actually getting narrower; it’s just getting further away.
Aerial perspective is a subtle depth cue in this picture. With aerial perspective, objects that are further away also appear to be hazier and bluer. This is true for the trees and cars in the middle of the picture near the vanishing point.
Shading, as a depth cue, could arguably be considered a depth cue in the Abbey Road image. With shading, objects that bulge outward (convex) are lighter on the top and darker on the bottom and objects that dip inward (concave) are darker on the top and lighter on the bottom. This is a more difficult cue to spot in the picture but it can be seen on Paul McCartney’s suit (second from left). Looking at Paul’s shoulder, the fabric is lighter on top of his shoulder (bulging out) than the darker stripe on his arm (dipping in) where his suit is wrinkling.
Motion parallax, the idea that objects that are closer move faster across the field of vision than objects that are further away, is not a depth cue in the Abbey Road image. This depth cue requires motion and, of course, an image does not have motion.
Image Source: “Beatles Vinyl Record Collectors Online Shop.” BEATLES Abbey Road Capitol Records Beat, British Pop Vinyl Record LP. Web. 29. Apr. 2014. <http://www.vinylrecords.ch/B/BE/Beatles/Abbey_Road/abbey_road.htm>
This past summer I went on a trip to Paris, France and discovered first hand at the crime that occurred there. In many cities, pick pocketing is a problem, but in Paris pickpocketing is extremely common. Residents have learned to always carry purses close to their body and be aware of their surroundings. When I arrived in Paris, we took the subway called the Metro back to our hotel. I learned before my trip that many immigrants from poor African countries, who are very experienced pickpocketers also have children trained in this craft as well. My mom warned me to securely hold my bag on the Metro to make sure nothing got stolen, because often people leave the metro noticing that there is a hole in their purse or pocket, and there wallet often times is stolen without their awareness. When I was riding the metro to our hotel, I was nervous, because I had to keep an eye on both my backpack and suitcase. Meanwhile, I felt a little tug on my backpack and turned around to see the zipper open and a young boy’s hand about to grab my cellphone. Since my attention was focused on my bags on the subway, I noticed the tug, but if my attention had been directed on my mom and sister, I would probably not have noticed the boy opening my backpack zipper. I was frightened and shocked at how fast the boy did this. I have heard various stories of pick pocketers on these subways cutting into bags and even back pockets without people noticing, because there attention was directed somewhere else. It happens so quickly that people don’t notice until the pickpocketer vanishes into the crowd. This story relates to the concept of Selective attention. If people’s attention is directed on things like talking to friend and family while walking through the city or on the subway, they often miss other things going on in their environment. The concept of selective attention is when attention is restricted to certain locations, objects, or times. For example, in class we watched the video we watched in class of the pick pocketer, the person’s object based and space based attention was directed on one thing while the pick pocketer stole the object that wasn’t being focused on. Pickpocketing is something that is not magic and can be easily learned by learning how to direct people’s attention or taking advantage of them when their attention is already focused on something else, such as on the Metro in Paris or walking through the city.
The Ultimate Fan Experience
The topic of this blog post is one to which many Penn State students can relate. In this way, it may not be unique to me, but it is a new way to look at something that is very familiar to most of us.
What makes Penn State football games such an exciting experience for fans? Why is the Penn State student section consistently ranked the best in the nation? The most likely explanation is that people find visual interest in synchronized movements. Dance routines would not be nearly as impressive if each member of the dance troop performed independently of the others. People also find interest in large masses of people performing together. Youtube videos of dancing flash mobs are most exciting when a large number of people join the routine. I am sure you can see where this discussion is headed.
Now imagine sitting in Beaver Stadium and seeing 20,000 students cheer (and dance and scream) in unison. In what is probably the largest and most active football student section in the country, we thrive on several psychological principles to create “The Greatest Show in College Football.” The underlying theme between the three of them is that they make the student section appear to be a single unit, rather than thousands of individuals.
The first of these principles is “synchrony.” Synchrony states that elements that change at the same time tend to group together. This is best exemplified by the shakers that are handed to students after entering the stadium. With the help of the Blue Band and the stadium speakers, students are provided a common cadence for using the shakers. As they rise and fall together, the student section is transformed into a dynamic unit that operates in unison.
The second principle is “common fate.” Common fate states that elements that move in the same direction will tend to be grouped together. What better example than the wave? This is an event that unites the entire stadium, not just the student section. Whether it be regular wave, slow wave, or fast wave, it is so aesthetically interesting because we don’t view each person or section independently, but instead see a continuous chain of movement due to common fate.
The third and final principle is broader but still applicable. The global superiority effect states that the properties of the whole object take precedence over the properties of the parts of the object. The previous examples can fit into this principle as well. Viewing a single fan during any cheer would be fairly unimpressive. The fan experience at Penn State games is so unique because of the large scale of fan participation. Whether you consider the student section or the entire stadium, it is the whole and not the parts that is most impressive.
Common fate, synchrony, the global superiority effect, and other grouping principles can apply to fan participation at stadiums and arenas all over the world. Each fan base has its own traditions and cheers, but they all rely on these principles to create unique aesthetic experiences. It is just my opinion, one shared by many, that Penn State is particularly good at creating the ultimate fan experience.
Depth cues
The other day a few friends and I decided to climb mount nittany because he weather was particularly nice out and we had to cross it off of our bucket lists. When we finally got to the top of the mountain we were amazed at the fact that you could have such a perfect view of the campus from this tiny little lookout. As we stood there gazing at the campus trying to figure out where everything was, I realized that I was using a few of my depth cues to help me work out the layout of the town.
I found that a great deal of the depth cues were used. I used aerial perspective to decipher that the mountains in the distance were a bluish color and seemed a bit hazy because the light was scattered by the atmosphere. I used linear perspective to decipher where the roads were close the parallel lines were not converging and in the distance they were converging and forming a vanishing point. I used familiar size with many objects. For instance, I knew how big objects such as Beaver stadium and Thomas were, so I used this as a cue. Also, I used relative height. I could tell that the objects that were highest in my visual field, in this case it was the mountains on the other side of the town, were the farthest away and the objects lower on my visual field, the trees and ground surrounding me, were closest. I used occlusion to tell that the trees, or homes, or whatever was blocking the view of something else, was in front. I also used motion parallax. If a bird flew out of a tree that was just in front of me it seemed to move faster than the cars on the street miles away.
In class, we learned two examples of adaptation. First was when we looked at stripes in one direction for a really long time and when we looked at straight stripes they look like they are tilted. Another example was after we look at the swirling circles for a while and then when we looked at our hands, our skin looks like it was moving. Both of these are due to adaptation because when our visual system is adapted to a certain stimulus thus we see the stimulus when it is not present. The definition of adaptation from Dictionary.com says, “the decrease in response of sensory receptor organs, as those of vision, touch, temperature, olfaction, audition, and pain, to changed, constantly applied, environmental conditions.”
I have had a lot of experience with traveling, especially through airplanes. Every summer and sometimes winter, I fly airplanes back and forth from Taiwan to the states. When the airplane is flying, there is a constant noise coming from the engines. It is very hard to bear at first for how loud of a noise the engines make; however, after I got used to it I feel like it does not bother me anymore. A plane ride back to Taiwan usually takes about 24 hours, including two layovers. Under around 20 hours of listening to the same noise, my ears get somewhat adapted to the noise and thus when I got off the plane I still hear the engine noises in my ear. Sometimes it will last for the whole night until I fall asleep.
Another example is when I ride airplanes or boats and fairies. Whenever the plane is in the air, or when the boat is in the sea, they constantly float up and down. My vision, then, gets adapted to that motion of rising up and down. After getting off the boat or airplane, I feel like my vision does not go back to normal quickly. I still see the objects and everything around me moving up and down. There are times when it was so serious that it was even hard for me to walk straight at first. Both of these examples show adaptations in our vision and hearing. Because I was constantly stimulated by certain stimuli, hearing the noise and seeing the up and down movement, I got used to it. However, when the stimuli are not present, I still see them for a little while before they go away.
“Adaptation.” Dictionary.com. Dictionary.com, n.d. Web. 29 Apr. 2014.
Fetch’s Anamorphic Projection
So, this perhaps may be the nerdiest blog post of the year, because it deals with a really cool detail in a video game called Infamous: Second Son. In the mission, you are finding clues about a rogue character named Fetch who has special powers, because you want to find her and absorb them for your own use. Her power is the ability to manipulate neon energy for use as a weapon and a way to be very mobile throughout the city. The clue search takes you to a hideout inside an advertisement sign and here you take various photos about Fetch’s personal life. She accidentally killed her brother Brent over drug use and wants to avenge him by killing drug dealers, so one of the clues is a neon viewpoint of his face that she created. However, this viewpoint is not any regular viewpoint but actually an Anamorphic projection.
Accidental viewpoints are viewing positions that produce a regular image not seen in the real world. The way that the retinal images align in our eyes, the image appears in a way that it is not seen at other angles. This comes back to the theme that an infinite number of images in space can create the same images on our retina and in our brain at various angles and viewpoints. Now, what is seen in Infamous may not be a true Anamorphic projection, since this view is seen from above and not necessarily uses linear prospective as a monocular clue. Still, this is an accidental viewpoint and instead of the image looking normal at all other angles but one, this image looks strange at all angles but one. There are 3 separate images in different parts of the viewpoint. One is located right where the person is standing and the other two are located in spots down below on a rooftop and the street. When the main character takes the picture for the clue, he needs to move to a position where the 3 pictures align perfectly to see the normal image.
This was very awesome to see the first time playing, because immediately I recognized this as an accidental viewpoint relating to the ideas we talked about in class. It was very interesting that video game developers would use an aspect like this in a video game although it is probably much easier to produce art like this in a video game rather in real life.
Images from YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHTTw36VQOo&list=PLs1-UdHIwbo6msTIJm0OtY_GKjt5r92AK
Everyone has been to an arcade before, or at least has heard about it. Flashing lights, loud noises, popcorn, slushes, and who can forget the games. Usually I like to partake in the driving games or the ones that require a great deal of attention to stop a fast flashing light to stop at the smallest designated spot, but from my last trip to Dave and Buster’s I remember one game; the Whac-a-Mole. It’s not normally my game of choice but my son really wanted to play it. Since it was the harder adult version and he is still pretty small I ended up playing it for him with him just holding the mallet. Just like the other games it was flashing lights galore. My son, who thought he was the actual one playing, directed me to where the moles were so I could hit them. I tried my best to score high so he could have more tickets but like I said it was an adult game with a child directing me.
I didn’t notice until the topic was mentioned in class the trick that was used in the Whac-a-Mole game. They used cues to direct the player’s attention; the holes had lights around them and other places as well on the game. Before starting the game it flashed lights but as soon as I started playing the lights increased, especially to where the moles were popping out of. I know now that the reason why my son had directed me to hit in null places was because if the invalid cues in the game. Cues are defined as a stimulus that might indicate where the leading stimulus may appear. Cues can be valid; correctly directing you to the following stimulus, invalid; wrongly directing you to a following stimulus, or neutral which leads to neither a right nor wrong stimulus. My reaction time was slower due to the invalid cues because I believed that the lights indicated an incoming mole, than if we had not focused on the lights. Whac-a-Mole is filled with invalid and natural cues was designed to direct your attention to a lit hole, giving off the impression that a mole would pop out but really the mole would come out of an unlit hole. Thus making you miss the mole and lose points, all because of theses invalid cues. So the next time you go to an arcade, don’t let the lights get you, direct your attention on the actual game.
Colorblind Struggles
In class, we learned how people can be color anomolous based on a lack of one of the three cones. This is part of Young-Heomholtz’s theory that people have S-Cones, M-Cones, and L-Cones. These cones can be excited by certain wavelengths and help in distinguishing color. Without one, color could appear similar, causing difficulty in a world of color. There are some people who are truly colorblind and do not have any of these cones or only have one.
I knew a man who was color anomolous in high school, as colorblindness is more common in men. He had trouble distinguishing between blues and purples. He had told me before that he was colorbling, however, I first understood what he meant when I went to an improv performance for a club he was in at the school. It was called the Purple Monkey Club. When I saw him earlier in the day, he was wearing a blue shirt and I thought nothing of the name of the club having something to do with a type of uniform. Sitting in the audience, I was excited to support my friend and waiting for the group to walk on stage. When the lights when up, it all became clear. Out of the six students on stage, his was the only blue shirt. All of the others were purple. I overheard some laughter in the audience and instantly felt bad that I had not commented on his blue shirt earlier in the day.
I could never understand exactly what he saw with colors, but I got a glimpse of some of the struggles he must forever face. It soon just became a normal part of our friendship, something to joke about. Sometimes it would be a game for him to try and guess different colored outfits. There were times when he looked for my help in situations such as matching a tie to his date’s dress for prom.
This is the first time I was ever exposed to the struggles of those who are colorblind. I will never be able to understand what these people see as I am not colorblind but can only imagine some of the difficulties. This class has helped me understand these issues even more.
Plane To Cancun
We all experience motion parallax in our everyday lives. It can occur from walking downtown to class, driving to Wal-Mart to get groceries, taking the bus home for a weekend, or even while flying in an airplane on the way to Cancun, Mexico for Spring Break. In all these instances, as we are moving along, the objects/images that are closest to us, the observer, appear to move faster across the visual field than images further away. Essentially, motion parallax provides perceptual cues about difference in distance and motion, and is associated with depth perception. Also, many animals, including humans, have two eyes with overlapping visual fields that use parallax to gain depth perception and this process is known as steropsis.
One of my most recent intriguing cases of experiencing motion parallax happened in the Spring of 2013 as me and five of my best buds at PSU were departing from the BWI Airport on our way to Canucn, Mexico for Spring Break. This was my first time on an airplane that I would actually remember, since I was too young to remember the first time I experienced air flight. Anyway, as we were in take-off mode, the plane began to get faster and faster as it gained speed on the runway. I remember looking out the window and seeing other stand still planes at the airport pass by us in an instant, yet at the same time, the trees far out in the distance seemed to remain in view for most of the runway. This phenomenon was also experienced in the air at an even greater level. As we were flying south towards Mexico, the clouds in the sky passed by the window so quickly, you hardly had a chance to recognize them, yet like the trees on the runway, the ground below remained in view for a very long time. It seemed as if a cloud could pass the window view within a second, but there could be a patch of farmland that would remain in the window view for 20 minutes.
At the time, I didn’t think anything of it because I did not understand the concept of motion parallax. Now that I have an understanding of how it works, the plane ride was more than just a view of the world from a distance, it was a concept in psychological perception.