My Favorite Ted Talk

My all time favorite Ted Talk is “Bring on the Female Superheroes” by Christopher Bell. This Ted Talk was recorded in 2015 and even though is is five years old there are still truths to this speech. The topic of this Ted Talk was definitely something that needed to be addressed and Christopher Bell does an amazing job of bring that much needed light. Christopher Bell talks about the fact that female superheroes are never represented in store products, even though they play just as big of a role than the male superheroes. For me, if I had never watched this Ted Talk three years ago, I would never know that this was a real issue and that is what makes this a great Ted Talk. It is about an issue that not many people know about. Adding onto the success of this Ted Talk Christopher Bell is a great public speaker. The way Christopher Bell talks just draws your attention into the issue and information even more. This Ted Talk, which I will link at the end of this blog post, should be viewed by every American and I highly recommend that you take the time to watch it. It is simply 15 minutes of enlightenment.

Bring on the Female Superheroes! -Watch the Ted Talk now!

For my unit two project I have three main ideas that I might want to pursue.

  1. Names- How respect for our names and the culture and reason for them have changed over time, racial bias behind them.
  2. Locks and Keys (security)- Today people are getting chips in their wrists to unlock their house, how our need to lock up our personal items has changed.
  3. Elections- Who can vote, where we vote, what we vote for and simply how elections have slightly added an entertainment aspect.

I think all of these topics are prevalent to current societal events and that would help bring success to them. I think I will just research a little more about them before making a decision.


3 thoughts on “My Favorite Ted Talk

  1. I will definitely watch that ted talk, it seems really interesting. I’ve never thought about the fact that there are so few female superheroes in stores, but I guess that’s so true. All your project ideas sound great, I think the name one would be super interesting.

  2. I plan to watch this TED talk as soon as I get the chance! It seems so interesting and true! As for your ideas, I think all three are great! I think you will be able to find a lot of research on all of them. I think your lock and key, security idea would be really interesting. The aspect of security as changed soooo much over the past few decades and I think it would be really interesting to read your paper and watch your talk on this topic! The name idea would also be really interesting to research and I’d be intrigued to see how much names and their culture have changed! I cannot wait to see what you decide!

  3. Alexa Narlinger

    For some reason the link wasn’t working but I was able to look up the TED Talk and I have to say this might be my new favorite! Bell’s speaking and persona was so engaging as was the topic of the female superhero. With feminism still struggling in society today I think this will always be an important video to watch even in another 5 years from now. As for your paradigm shift ideas, I really like “names” because its so simple yet I think the research would give a lot more depth. However, elections (especially right now) would be sooo fun to research and I think there would be a lot of great information and contrasts to write about with that.

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