Ted Talk Reflection and Brainstorm

Reflecting on my Ted Talk, I feel okay about how I did on my Ted Talk. I definitely feel like I could have done better especially on the organization of my content. I wish I would have focused more on the shift since that was the point of the project, I got carried away with the facts and interesting things about my topic of locks and keys. My delivery also could have been improved. I did speech and debate in high school, so every speech I do the delivery is never good enough. I had crooked and stiff hand gestures, not enough build in intensity to my climax (hardest hitting point), and I stumbled over my words a couple of times. Overall, overlooking my nitpicking criticizing speech voice in my head, I feel like I did a good job and I know what I can work on for the next time.

Next here is a list of topics that My group and I could potentially use for our History of a Public Controversy project.

  • Women’s fashion: For whatever reason women have always been criticized on clothing choices, ie; in the 20s flappers were the first women to wear dresses above their knees in public.
  • Mission trips: the idea of white saviors and how most mission trips actually hurt the group that was being helped.
  • Buying new and corporately: this adds to climate change, the stigma behind thrifting and why people are so hesitant to go. Supporting small and local and how Tik Tok has helped promote this.
  • Electronics: kids now a days have iPhones and iPads and this is decreasing time outside and well, time being a kid.

Things Only Minnesotans Would Understand About Winter

I am sitting in my dorm room, packing to go back home to Minnesota, thinking about all the things I miss from home that all my Penn State friends just do not get. I decided that I would blog about those things today, specifically the winter ones, in case you would ever be crazy enough to want to come to Minnesota in the winter, then you would know a thing or two.

To start, winter jackets. Yes, I have five different winter jackets that are all used for different reasons. You have your fall winter jacket that you use when it is just starting to get cold outside and you do not need a big coat but something a little lighter. This jacket would be used in the 40ºF-55º F range. The second jacket being my light winter jacket. This jacket is what you would were when there is snow on the ground and it is cold but still not cold enough for a heavier jacket. This jacket is for the 39ºF-15ºF range. Then you have your winter winter jacket, this is your heaviest jacket that you would wear if you are going to do a winter activity ie; sledding, snowman building, etc. This jacket is used when it gets any colder than 15ºF, so this is definitely your most used jacket. You have a nice winter jacket, like a parka, that you wear to fancy events. You can wear this in any temperature. Lastly you have your spring winter jacket that is a little lighter than your fall winter jacket, you wear this one in like March and April, when there is still snow but it is melting so it is all slush. When I told my Penn State friends about this jacket phenomenon they all said I was crazy.

Next, Caribou coffee. Similar to PA’s debate between Wawa and Sheetz, Minnesota argues between caribou and Starbucks. My opinion is that caribou is better for winter drinks and Starbucks has more summer options. If you do not go to Caribou n the winter, you just are not a true Minnesotan.

Finally, holiday Mall of America. This mall is what we are kind of known for and the holiday version just hits a little different. The lights that hang from the ceiling, the giant Christmas trees, all the holiday gift shoppers, and of course the carolers. This is a must experience at some point in your life.

Now that you know a little bit about what I am going home to, would you ever be crazy enough to come to Minnesota in the winter?

Guatemala Blog #3

Continuing form my last post, after going to Guatemala in May of 2016 I knew I wanted to go back. After 18 months of convincing I was able to go back but this time with my mom, my best friend Isabelle and her mom Shannon. We went in October of 2019… this was my last trip before Covid. This was probably one of the best trips I have ever taken, all four of us knew Spanish, my mom and Shannon are good friends, and I got to spend a week with my best friend. One day when we were in the village, there was a wedding, this was a pleasant surprise for us. Isabelle and I had the opportunity to read scripture at this wedding. I was scared the entire time because my Spanish is decent but when it comes to Biblical vocabulary, well you do not learn that in school. Although I mispronounced a few words it was still an amazing experience that I would not change for the world. Not only was there a wedding but also a baptism. A week before we arrived a new baby was born and we were able to experience the baptismal service. My mom was very hesitant on going to Guatemala with me, it took a lot of convincing, but now looking back on it she would not change it for the world. She fell in love with this place just like I did the first time I went.

After spending some time in the village we get to do one touristy activity. This time we decided to go to Lake Atitlán; a lake surrounded by volcanoes. On our way to this destination, we also were able to stop at Iximche Mayan Ruins. This was an awesome history lesson, it is truly amazing how the Mayans built all their buildings before any sort of modern technology. We got to stay at Lake Atitlán for 2 nights, while there I went ziplining, learned how to make coffee, learned how to weave and make yarn, and made memories.

I truly value this trip because it was one of the last times I got to adventure with my mom before going to college. I also learned so much and grew as a person, a Spanish speaker, and an ally. Seriously, go take a trip with your mom over break, even if it is just a day trip to a place you have never explored in your state

Shannon, my mom, me, and Isabelle

The wedding

The newborn baby 

Isabelle and I leading a Bible lesson


 Me learning how to create yarn

Isabelle and I drinking the coffee we just made… aka me pretending I like coffee

Now go take a trip with your mom!!