Reflecting on my Ted Talk, I feel okay about how I did on my Ted Talk. I definitely feel like I could have done better especially on the organization of my content. I wish I would have focused more on the shift since that was the point of the project, I got carried away with the facts and interesting things about my topic of locks and keys. My delivery also could have been improved. I did speech and debate in high school, so every speech I do the delivery is never good enough. I had crooked and stiff hand gestures, not enough build in intensity to my climax (hardest hitting point), and I stumbled over my words a couple of times. Overall, overlooking my nitpicking criticizing speech voice in my head, I feel like I did a good job and I know what I can work on for the next time.
Next here is a list of topics that My group and I could potentially use for our History of a Public Controversy project.
- Women’s fashion: For whatever reason women have always been criticized on clothing choices, ie; in the 20s flappers were the first women to wear dresses above their knees in public.
- Mission trips: the idea of white saviors and how most mission trips actually hurt the group that was being helped.
- Buying new and corporately: this adds to climate change, the stigma behind thrifting and why people are so hesitant to go. Supporting small and local and how Tik Tok has helped promote this.
- Electronics: kids now a days have iPhones and iPads and this is decreasing time outside and well, time being a kid.