Opening PFS IM Softball game is at 7:30pm tonight

The PFS intramural softball team, named “Bust Mode”, will play its opening game tonight at 7:30pm at the Intramural Fields.

Please be at the fields by 7:00pm to ensure that the team has a full complement of players for the game.

You can still sign up to be on the PFS softball team. Go to Penn State’s IM Sports website, find “Softball”, click “Open”, then find the team “Bust Mode.” Complete the online quiz when prompted. Once you get a 100% on the quiz, our captain will confirm your request to join the team.

Here are some things to remember to bring with you to IM softball games:

– Your PSU ID
– White and colored shirts with a number on the back (for our colored shirts, PFS traditionally uses jerseys from professional sports teams)
– Non-metal cleats (the grass at the IM Fields gets very slippery)
– A baseball/softball glove

A full IM Softball rule book can be found in the PDF below.

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