The LinkedIn Video Tutorial Assignments are linked to the Photography assignments and provide valuable information to help students complete the assignments successfully. During the course of the semester your instructor will assign 6 (six) Tutorials, 2 (two) per Photography Assignment.
Each completion of the tutorial and subsequent submission of the Certificate of Completion to Canvas will gain you 25 course points. All eight 25 point (150 points total) tutorials are worth approximately 16% of the total 900 potential course points.
Tutorial Certificates are due the same day as the Photography Assignments with which they are associated.

Tutorials are professional instructional videos on a given topic. Penn State provides students with a subscription to LinkedIn Learning as part of your tuition. It provides valuable tutorial in many topics, not only photography.The average time of each video tutorial for PHOTO 101 is approximately 1.75 hours, although some will be longer or shorter.
You will find these tutorials on the LinkedIn PHOTO 101 Collection for your course section. Your instructor will provide you with the link to the Collection.
After you complete each Tutorial, LinkedIn will provide a Certificate of Completion to verify your completion of the tutorial for your instructor. You will find the link to the certificates under your name in the upper right of the LinkedIn windows (see the illustration on this page). You will download a .pdf copy of the certificate , which you will upload under the appropriate Video Tutorial Assignment in Canvas.
It is important that you learn the material in the tutorial thoroughly since that information will be covered in the course final quiz.