SACRAMENTO, Calif. — The popular movie-rating website, Rotten Tomatoes, recently stated they’ll extend their service to married couples hoping to judge their partners in a public domain. About time!
Founder of Rotten Tomatoes and love-revolutionist, Patrick Lee, came up with the idea after a fight with his wife.
“My favorite movie, Citizen Kane, was on ol’ home-theater when my Frances’s fingies tore the plug out! ‘What!’ I said. She wanted to see a counselor,” said Lee. “I was about to bump Citizen Kane up to an 11/10 but I created a rating for my Frances instead out of frustration. 6/10 spouse. Problem solved!”
The stars aligned that night, and not just Orson Welles’s shiny star! The feature exploded, soon everybody could see each other’s ratings that their partner imposed on them. Convenient.
“My husband forgot to clip bag of my favorite chips. It’s was the third time that week. He might not be as ‘certified fresh’ as I thought when we got married,” said Heather Nelson, a new critic. “I wish my partner was more like the movie Jaws, I gave that a 9/10.”
Technology is certainly a mixed bag, luckily, the century old ‘marriage’ thing just got a whole lot easier.