Is it summer?

by Jesse Lynn Martz hello hello hello!  I'm laying in bed while I type this, laying under the covers because I am cold.  Last weekend it was beautiful and sunny.  These past couple days mother nature has been playing a wicked trick on me, making me believe it's winter...

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Catching up

by Jesse Lynn Martz Hello all:)  I realize I've been slacking on this blog entry, and forgot last week.  As the days pass I'm coming to love Nijmegen more and more, it is such a laid back environment with suh friendly and outgoing people.  I've been busy in the lab...

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I’m a foreigner!!:p

by Jesse Lynn Martz Hallo from de Nederlands!  I will start with the beginning of my journey.  Before leaving I had a bittersweet feeling, filled with excitement and nervousness.  As a first time traveler outside of the US I wondered what it would be like traveling to...

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