Dr. Sarma Pisupati is very actively involved in professional societies. He is recently named Fellow of American Chemical Society. His service to professional societies includes: Co-organizer and/or Co-chair or Moderator of 30 Scientific and teaching related Symposia for American Chemical Society, ASME International Fluidized Bed Combustion Conferences, Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conferences and American Society of Engineering Education, Associate Editor, ASME Journal of Energy Resources and Technology, Energy Research Journal; International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology; News Letter Editor, Secretary/Treasurer, Division Chair of the Energy Conversion and Conservation Division, American Society for Engineering Education; Conference Chair of 17th ASME International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion; Treasurer, Petroleum Chemistry Division of the American Chemical Society; Program Chair, Fuel Chemistry Division, American Chemical Society; Member Steering Committee of the 16th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion and Co-editor of a special issue of Journal of Hazardous Materials.