Fiber-Optic Sensing

Fiber sensing is a technology that enables continuous, real-time measurements along the entire length of a fibre optic cable. As the fiber optical cable is the sensors, it is also a cost-effective method that can be easily deployed even in the harshest and most unusual environments.

Distributed sensing is usually used for acquiring acoustic data (DAS), temperature, and strain.

Copyright: Silixia Ltd


In contrast to conventional seismic arrays that consist of spatially discrete sensors, a DAS system utilizes a single optoelectronic interrogator unit that only requires a single standard AC power source to run thousands of sensors. This characteristic is critical in the city, where it is challenging to install and maintain instrumentation due to complex conditions as well as instrument safety, power, communications, and data transfer requirements for year-long data collection. DAS arrays are extremely low maintenance once embedded in the ground.