Snap Pizza

This week I got a little taste of home for my pizza review. I had heard rumblings around campus that a Snap Pizza had opened on College Ave. and of course I had to check it out.

Snap Pizza is a chain based out of the Philadelphia area known for its assembly line style of making custom pizzas. If you’re unfamiliar with it think like the Subway of pizza. Anyways, I was not the only person in town excited to try the new Snap Pizza location. The line was literally out the door when I went on Thursday at around 6:30.

After waiting in the line for about 20 or so minutes (which really wasn’t bad considering there were probably 40 people ahead of me when I got into the line) I finally got to order my custom pizza. Since Snap specializes in custom pizza and because I have a favorite order that I always get when I would go at home I decided to break my trend of only ordering cheese pizza. This time I got my pizza with mushrooms, sausage and truffle oil. Watching my pizza being assembled and come out of the oven really got me going, I have never been or never will be as ready to review pizza as I was in this moment.

My first bite was so good. I actually take notes while I’m eating my pizza so I don’t forget anything when I write my blog posts and the first three notes I wrote were: “so good, so good, great!” One of the first things I noticed was that all of the ingredients seemed fresh. Even with the truffle oil on the pizza it tasted light and wasn’t too much. Even my friend who has a notoriously tiny appetite was easily able to finish her entire pizza.

If you are interested in my analysis of the ingredients, this is where it gets exciting, if not feel free to skip down to the ratings. If I had one word to describe the dough and crust of the pizza I would choose “soft.” Not soft like it was undercooked and still a little doughy, but soft like if you were suddenly shrunk to 6 inches tall this might make a nice pillow or mattress. The sauce was also sweet just like I like it and the cheese was good. I had mozzarella on my pizza which was good but didn’t have a ton of taste which is okay. In my mind the taste should come from the sauce and toppings the cheese mostly just holds it all together. I won’t elaborate too much on the toppings but I really liked my sausages, the mushrooms were pretty standard and I thought the truffle oil was a nice touch to top it off.

Now for the ratings:

Crust/Dough – 9/10

Cheese – 7.5/10

Sauce – 8.5/10

Overall – 9/10

Obviously, I really liked Snap Pizza. It’s a bit more expensive than going to Canyon or Brothers but paying $9 for a custom pizza at Snap is definitely worth it in my mind. You don’t even need to take my word for it, I would say the line out the door indicates good pizza.

Sausage and mushroom pizza from Snap Pizza

8 thoughts on “Snap Pizza

  1. Anna Hajnal

    The first three words you used to describe the pizza had me cracking up. While I despise mushrooms that pizza looked really good. I hate waiting in lines but since yours went so fast I might have to go check it out.

  2. Akhil Alugupalli

    Wow, this is a great review as always. Its awesome to see that a Philly chain is setting up shop here itself in State College. Will be checking this place out ASAP.

  3. Jack Mackay

    Never heard of Snap Pizza but from your description and review I’m definitely up to check this place out, sounds really good.

  4. ryan frasca

    I had never heard of Snap Pizza but it sounds awesome! That is the first custom pizza place that I have heard of at PSU. I will definitely have to go check it out but I would probably go on a Monday or something to try and avoid the line.

  5. Lewis Richardson

    Sounds like a neat little place that I’m definitely gonna give a try at some point. With so many pizza places around, it is nice to always have someone out there doing the trial and error for us. Also, I really like the whole “make it yourself” style that is encouraged.

  6. Sean Rendar

    Customization is key in the food industry. I can’t wait to try this place out as it was the first place that you left with high ratings. State college seems to have a million places for pizza but no good pizza…

  7. Kayla Tran

    My friend was actually just telling me about this place. I think she really wanted to go this week, so we probably will try it out. I can’t wait to try this place, especially since you gave it such high ratings. Thanks for the information !

  8. dxc5527

    I’m going to Snap tonight and this review got me really excited. I don’t have a Snap at home but I have something similar called Mod Pizza. I love the idea of being able to truly customize your pizza with whatever toppings you like, and I can’t wait to try it!


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