RCL #10 – Public Controversy Idea

One possible topic for a public controversy is the involvement of celebrities in political issues. As celebrities get more and more limelight in the public, more and more celebrities are using their influence to persuade people to vote in one direction or another. While some people state that celebrities can have unbiased opinions as they are regular people and not involved in politics, others state that celebrities are too high society to have a political opinion that may benefit the general public. Recently, a television-presenter ran for an election in PA state elections. During the last presidential election, many celebrities spoke up and expressed the political views that others could adopt. Though I am not sure if this is a complete public controversy, this is an idea that may be applicable.

One thought on “RCL #10 – Public Controversy Idea

  1. For your idea, I think the controversy would be whether celebrities should use their influence and public presence to promote their political ideas or not. Certain celebrities could definitely influence public opinion, but usually not to a huge extent. It would be like if a famous celebrity wore a new style or clothes and then suddenly others were wearing the same things. However, I think this is something that has been going on for all of history and won’t be changing. Celebrities and others in the public eye are always going to hold some influence over their fans and supporters.

  2. I think this would be an interesting topic as it also could tie into cancel culture. What is appropriate for influencers to comment on and where is the line drawn? What happens when they don’t speak on certain topics? Considering the fact that we have seen an increase in celebrities bringing awareness to certain topics i think this would be perfect to talk about!

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